Less selective, more acceptive

Heart Race 48x48
I am painting with more energy and enthusiasm than ever. My paintings continue to translate the hustle of my life with two children and a job that stays on my mind (and to-do list). I am finishing my paintings at a stage in which I was once still short of complete. You will see more of the raw, vulnerability and fluidity of the brush strokes left exposed. I came to a point where I felt like I was cleaning up after myself too much and selling my art short of the painterly quality that I was wanting to evoke. It is a leap and one that I am taking with confidence knowing I can always go back. If I don't push myself to do something new, I won't know what I have yet to explore. I might be missing something...

My biggest fear? Regret. The paranoia of one day saying: "I had a chance, but it's too late, and I lost it." All of my life's worries come back to fear of missing my opportunity, especially with my art.

Here is my new hashtag to go with some of the paintings I post:  #liveloosely
If you see it and wonder "what in the world?";

#liveloosely will be with the paintings that are pushing me to think, grow, overcome, learn, move on, adapt, improvise.... anything but settle with what is easy and comfortable. Because I have learned that taking a chance is more fulfilling than not. And, not being adaptive and loose is denying myself the experience of what could have been.

Marching 36x36

Proof 48x48

Pulse A 24x18

Pulse B 24x18

Vital Signs 48x48

Whole Hearted 48x48

Heart Beat 48x36