Instincts and Actions, a new series

Adding another child to my family has been quite a hiccup, but I have learned to work with the changes. Like usual, this struggle has had an influence on my conceptual approach. I have been building a new series of paintings, Instincts and Actions, chock-full of large scale abstracts loaded with layers of energetic brushstrokes, textures and carefully revealed areas of clear, powerful color.

Certainty 48x48 (Anne Irwin Fine Art)
 Instincts and Actions
Life and paint will do what it does, and we have to either go with it or against it. Forcing something to be what it is not requires a lot of energy and frustration and the outcome is never authentic. By allowing my paint to run and drip, smear and mud, I can let paint be paint, and use those natural characteristics to my advantage. Same with my family life; I cannot expect my highly energetic three year old and six month old to do exactly what I need them to so that my life can flow like I would design it to. We have adapted to a new life and routine with children. Once I understood how to loosen up and take each day as it was dealt, I became a much happier mama, wife and artist. I find the time to paint, lately at the crack of dawn, well before anyone is up and let myself be their mother later in the day without the guilt and unfinished work looming over me.
Lose control. Embrace imperfections. Live in the moment. Time is fleeting and nothing is permanent. I am adapting to the situation rather than trying to change the circumstance. Go with your instincts, and take action. Just find a way, and make it happen.

Head Above Water 48x48 (Lyons Share Gallery)

Initiative 48x36 (Anne Irwin Fine Art)

Set in Motion A 60x36 (Blue Print Store)
Set in Motion B 60x36 (Blue Print Store)