The "Good New" is....

“Good News” 48x36 oil on canvas

Good news?! Who needs some good news?! I sure as hell do. 

So many of us have been hearing “bad news” with words like “exposed” and “asymptomatic” re-emergng. More nose jabs to the brain, more counting days and isolating and CDC “recommendations” 🔐. More frustration and anger at being told precisely how to carry on despite it all sounding more like wishy washy theories than concrete facts. But this art was made and titled “Good News” weeks ago,  before I could have known that we would need to hear some good news.

The “good news” is that we don’t need the fear that this virus keeps coming back to sell us; it’s not meant for us. The “good news” is that we weren’t meant to hold fear, so you can go ahead and hand that shit over. The “good news” is that, after two years of this, we are stronger than we were two years ago, and the “good news” is we are getting more resilient by the day. The “good news” is that color and light are still present and as patient and persistent as ever; ready and waiting to greet us. I can see it, in the clearing ahead. I feel like I could reach out and touch it, yet here I am reaching into a mostly empty bag for more patience in order to understand why I cannot get back out there, to that place of color and light. I am tempted by anger. I have so much to do out in that clearing. I have art inside of me that has been waiting for months to be made, waiting for pain to heal and for my children to go about their school days. Unfortunately, the bearer of bad news has other “recommendations” and that makes me angry as hell.  That’s a problem because anger is just what fear wants.  It all brews together nicely. If I get mad, fear still gets its way….nope. ain’t gonna have that.

I lean into the hunch that too many of these “recommendations” are the byproduct of fear.  So, what are we left to do about it? How does one keep these fears and angers from getting too close and taking over? We have to oppose it. The opposite of fear is trust, loving trust. I have a sour feeling of frustration swirling, but instead of letting it churn into something ugly, I am fighting it back with Love: these words and this painting, to remind us of the good news: 

  • that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind;

So, I will continue to lean into trust not fear. I will continue to remind you that fear is not intended to be a part of our experience on Earth, faith is, trust is. Love is. And, my sweet friends, that is where COLOR and LIGHT await for us; beyond this shadowy, dark spirit of fear. 

2 Timothy 1:7

John 14:27

Flowing Flower

The Path Past Resistance 48x36 oil on canvas

Do not underestimate the grocery store flowers! That’s what I told my husband once, and he has not forgotten. He brings me flowers almost every Friday evening when he gets home from work. For around $10 he makes me so happy with a bundle of blooms wrapped in plastic. These flowers go into a pretty vase, then placed on the table next to “my spot” in my living room. Here I can really drink them in, I can look at them and enjoy each day that they remain bright and upright. My Friday grocery store flowers are a bright spot for the rest of the week. 

Flowers express love. Flowers celebrate life’s events. We take flowers to those who are hurting and healing to brighten the space around them, to bring hope to a place where there is pain. But, a flower is still so temporary. A week long lifespan is so short. Once a flower is cut, its life is lost in a matter of days. When you think about it, a bouquet for the grieving might be counterintuitive. But the truth is, there is more to a flower than the bloom. When we gift a bouquet to someone, we are reminding them of something so good and true, something smooth and easy, something we easily lose touch with in the mash-up of our own agendas. What we are coveting in a vase of flowers is actually the beautiful cultivation of God’s love. We may be enjoying the colorful bloom, but there was so much He did before the full fruition. There was Love flowing through that plant long before it’s glorious color burst to life.

Love is, after all, the end all, be all. Love is the corner stone of everything faithful; it is the reason, the purpose. Love cultivates and nurtures our life. And, like Robert, many of us use flowers to represent our love, to keep it watered and fed. Flowers resonate with us, but there is a great difference between us and a flower, aside from the obvious, and it has to do with love and the way it flows.

A plant is a better recipient than we are. Flowers do not resist the particular way God flows through it’s life. The flower has no fear or worry about the conditions of which it is planted in, about what is surrounding it as it grows, or what people will say about its color or shape, or how long it is taking to get to the blooming phase. It has no alternative ideas for itself, either. The flower has trust, and it flows smoothly and easily into it’s eventual full blossom without resisting. And, it is lovely. So, how can we learn from a flower? How can we bloom without resisting? How can we become our best selves, the easy way that a flower grows? And, is that even possible??

The earth is full of these smooth, easy rhythms and patterns, cycles and sequences which we rely on. We don’t wonder or worry whether the sun will rise itself each day. We just go with the flow in the rhythm that has always been. In the morning we wake up, and we start a new day. We do the things on our list, and at night we go to bed, and we rest our eyes, our minds and our hearts. But, what happens when we fall out of that rhythm?… when we resist it? when we deny our body’s natural cycle? What happens is, we feel bad. We ache in all kinds of places. Our straining eyes make our heads hurt, our heavy bodies sink and drag, and our hearts lose focus. We lug ourself around like dead weight. Our resistance to the natural flow makes us weak and less capable. 

My own resistance resulted in my getting stuck between two days; a frustrating sensation of feeling caught in a transition. This night-like period restricted me from flowing into the next day of my life. I had no rhythm, just random. My priorities weren’t designated, they were dispersed. I needed to get things in order, get my shit together, if you will. I needed organization, segmentation in my life….compartmentalization (the healthy kind). I could go on… Bottom line; when we feel scattered and unfocused, we are. But, the trouble is, many of us have become so used to a slow flow, an unnatural rhythm, that we don’t even feel it. Many don’t even sense the slow flow because it doesn’t feel slow at all when our bodies are moving so damn fast all damn day. I hate to speak for you, but I feel as though I can speak for almost all of us when I say that our drains are clogged with our own plans. We make too many assumptions as to how we are suppose to live. It’s the keeping up with one another that has us unable to find our own flow, the flow of God, and that gets exhausting. Wrestling with resistance brings on physical, mental and emotional exhaustion… So then what? How does it stop? How do we slow our roll? Well, for me that screeching stop was the sound of the pain train rollin’ into town. Again.

Now, I thought I had already been drug down that track….through that mud. I thought I had already learned my lesson from pain, and I thought I was working with the lessons God wanted me to know. I thought I was doing good, too! I thought it was time to move on from my experience with grief and ache, to climb out of the muddy pit and live in the warm light. I thought wrong. Maybe I was wrong because I thought. Because I was assuming. What I know for sure is that we assume too much, and by assuming we create resistance. 

I don’t think God likes it when we assume. In fact, I know He doesn’t. 

Go back to that flower. What if, as it was growing and sprouting, leaf by leaf, assuming all the while it was going to become a mighty oak, but in fact, God had planted this seed to grow into a rose. Now, what the hell would that rose look like if it had resisted it's intended plan and decided, on its own, to force its little self to be a big, mighty oak tree?? Would it ever become that coveted, delicate bloom of gorgeous color if it presumed its own intentions? I have to believe that, like us, when we resist the flow, that sprout of lovely potential would have failed to bloom. It would have assumed other duties and never become the beautiful thing that God intended. How sad is that? It would never become the bloom we use to represent love itself. 

See? A flower does not do that! It does not resist God’s loving plans like we do. Therefore, when we become slow and clogged, something’s gotta give, and it’s gonna get messy. Picture Roto-Rooter in your pretty bathroom. 

As I am writing this, I sit in my new studio. This is the space I made to compartmentalize my mess, to segment out the pile of life I found myself within; home, work, rest, play, eat, sleep, cook, clean… Way too many things were trying to happen in the same space, the same one I was using to do this work, the work I feel called to do. I could no longer hear or see with all that other stuff in the way. So here I am, but I have yet to paint here. I cannot wait to start painting here, but God has sat me in this desk chair instead, with words bubbling up in my heart and out of my finger tips. I am clicking and clacking out a story about a flower which I have never heard before. I have never sensed this narrative until this very moment in time. However, I have had patterns forming in my world lately. I knew He was getting my attention through repetition. I began to recognize that if I didn’t make any assumptions as to how this was going to come together, if I didn’t assume anything about what these patterns meant, or make my own presumptions on when to write and when to paint, something more purposeful, more intended would flow. So. I sit here, anxious to paint but writing instead. I sit here surrounded by notes, realizations and inspirations, the perceptions that came to me while I was driving, while I was walking around in my life, and now these patterns are feeding this essay. The stunning, ancient oaks outside the enormous windows are integrating into my words, as well. What I am experiencing now is the flow, and the less I resist it with my own assumptions, the more it runs. 

Ok, back up. How did I get here, to this room, in this place where I know to reject my own agenda in favor of something seemingly counterproductive? Well, I’ll tell ya, it was a painful process. By now I know something about pain. I know how it affects me. It has reworked me enough times for me to know that pain comes with a plan. God knows how I pay attention to pain. He knows I am stubborn and strong enough to bear it, too. So, He brought it on again recently, just as strong as ever because He needed my attention. He needed me to stop resisting His flow. Pain is an awful experience, but it is also a powerful device. You have to mind pain. We have to acknowledge it to get past it. (see C.S.Lewis on pain)

So, I assumed the position to bear my pain. Cuz, y’all, I been here before, and it did me no good to ignore the thing. This time, I was braver than I was in the past. I was not afraid. I faced it. Me to God: “Doing good right? I assume? Watch this! This is how you want me to be brave, yes? Are you watching?” (sounding like my kids on the diving board doing the same trick, different day.)

Then, as I rested and recovered, as I sat still and quiet, I saw something; a vision, and I knew, when I was well, I wouldn’t be returning to the same studio. I saw myself, painting, but not in the cramped home studio I had stood in just days before. I was in one of the spaces I visited as I was looking for a new studio. The space was in the historical Oakleigh district of Mobile. The one that seemed so obvious that I assumed it couldn’t be the one for me, because I presumed it wasn’t gonna be that easy to find it. What are the odds that I would find my new studio in a space that was already a studio for another artist, one I have known for years? What are the odds that it was in a neighborhood that I daydreamed of living in? What are the odds?! With this vision, I realized it isn’t my right to assume. The odds do not matter. It can be that easy, as long as I am not resisting. With this vision, I realized that a space had been made for me to do His work, the table had been set, and all I had to do was accept the invitation. It was sitting down there, waiting for me; waiting for me to rest and refocus, to get my act together, to go with The Flow. All I had to do was stop resisting…. and make some phone calls from bed. 

“Ok, God. Now, I really did it. Did you see me back there?! I stopped what I was doing, I rested and healed and refocused. I signed that lease. Boom! I’m back baby. I am ready to carry on. I am ready to flow again! Let’s do this thing!!”

But, no. I could see patterns forming, I could see myself getting warmer, but I could not catch the rhythm. I could not carry on. 

So, what’s the deal? How’d this happen? I still felt stuck in transition. I couldn’t wake up in this new day. And that felt urgently helpless. I began losing hope and speed by the day…. What’s the deal!? That was scary right, those thing I did? I trusted, and I acted. I have really gotten to know my way around fear, and I didn’t let it stop me from making those bold moves …. I did not let fear keep me stuck in my cramped studio, nor did I let fear keep me in company with pain. I faced that shit, and it was not easy! Don’t I get a token, a certificate of completion? And, then…. I realized, there was more. He practically spelled it out for me. Sarah, that did not contain fear. These things did not make you tremble.

Fear, true fear, is what clogs the drain, resists the flow of God into our lives. True fear was damning a river that begged to flow. 

I had faced the fears of loss and pain and failure before. It seems to me now, once we squander a fear, we don’t have to do it again. Because once we know the truth about what that fear is made of (= empty threats) it doesn’t truly scare us anymore. Nervous? Yes. Sweaty palms? Yes. But not trembling hands… because we know now that He was with us before, and He will be again. I am not alone. It was clear that there was more to this. There was more that had to be sorted out and cleared up before I could get my groove back (like Stella). I knew I had to say somethings to someone whom I love, but I really. didn’t. want to. I had to shine light on the shadowy corners, the places we don’t go. I had to clear out the clutter that was getting in the way- at the risk of being misunderstood, at the risk of us both getting hurt, at the risk of working with words that were too sharp to handle. (gah words are tricky like fear….). Then, He took my right hand, and I did what scared me more than anything ever has. I said the words as I shook like someone had a hold of my shoulders, as my hands flapped like fish in my lap. 

hhuuuu…hhhaaa…. Deep breath. That was fear, face to face, trying to convenience me to stop short of fully living, fully flowing, fully loving.

For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,

do not fear; I will help you.

 Isaiah 41:13 

Now, as I conclude this essay, weeks after I initially began it with those comparisons to a flower, I sit at my dining room table surrounded by rosy, canyon-like color. Robert just painted this color on our walls. (I’d like to say I helped, but I am a terrible painter of houses.) I adore this color. It even reminds me of people I love. It is a deep coral pink, and the name of it is, “Sharon Rose”. There it is; another rhythm. This term represents: love, healing, beauty, Christ and Christians…. among other things. 

I’m within my rhythm, now. Patterns are forming as themes bubble to the surface. Themes like:

-roses & oaks

-waters & fires 

-healing & resting

- birth



-and of course color and light, woven through it all

There are still more. And, they all speak strong truths. Recognizing the rhythm of these themes restored the easy flow. This work of clinging to the patterns and epiphanies that were showing up for me, this commitment to trusting them and expressing them, this is what makes something intended flow through me. This is when I let myself grow and sprout in the ways He intended when I was planted. This essay and these paintings are the products of Love. Even though these words and colors flow through my hands, this work is for is all. My hands are only tools.

When do you feel the flow most? What washes the resistance away? Lean in to those times, those themes. Cling to them. Follow that river, and see where it takes you.

Ok now, I’m asking you to take a minute, to slow your roll. You can do it. The things will wait. I promise. Take a breath, and read this next paragraph slowly. Maybe even close your eyes, and take a good, long breath between sentences.

Imagine yourself down in a dark valley, in a desert canyon where light is scarce. Here you don’t get to assume anything. In the dark, without sight, we cannot find our own way. We can’t even see the natural cycles of day and night down here. In this moment we are forced to be slow, quiet and intuitive. It is so quiet down here. It is so dark. Here the flow moves within us without the resistance of our own knowledge, our own sight, our own assumptions. And, when we sense the slightest tinge of light, we let it guide the way, we lean its direction. Without all the noise of our knowledge, the flow is smooth and easy.

When the heavy stacks of life finally pushed me down there, into those canyons, that was when I felt that. Within the quiet stillness, I saw the rich, deep colors of the paintings I had yet to paint. Have you ever stood in a dim sanctuary and been magnetically hypnotized by a stained glass window and the light penetrating through the panes? That! That’s what I want you to imagine.

As I eventually began painting in my new studio, I was in it; the river flowed through me like a a damn had been broken. I denied access to anything that might get in its way, anything that wanted to clog this flow. I let Love run through me, from my heart through my hand. I made colors as rich as they were in my vision, as dense and piercing as they were in a particular stained glass window of a dark sanctuary. As I placed the colors, I knew it was the valley of darkness that gave me this perception of color. I was seeing this color because of the valley, not in spite of it; such a generous vision that I literally thanked God for taking me through such darkness in these recent years. He knew all along. He knew what was coming, and He was clearing the way.

People ask me why I talk and write about fear so much. Well, not long ago, someone caught me off guard and said, with a big laughing grin, “Sarah, what are you so afraid of???” To this person, I laughed, but later I felt embarrassed and terribly misunderstood. Which is, funny enough, one of my most common fears; I have an insecurity about being misunderstood, particularly for being mistaken for someone without good intentions. And, this question I was asked, put the slightest tinge of black fear into my color. It resulted in my losing the courage to talk about “fear” itself for far too many months, the way I knew I was being asked to, the way I knew I was tasked to verbally squander the empty threats of fear that hold so many of us back. This tiny pinch of black fear muddied my colors, and that is exactly what it wanted out of me. Fear created my resistance and slowed the flow of Love; it intersected what God was asking me to do with my hand and my heart, with my artistic gifts. If that wasn’t the enemy at work!? Do you see it? Does this burn off the fluff surrounding what is true? FEAR is a lie and the enemy’s weapon against LOVE.

We are as simple, yet as dynamic as the life of a flower. We are worthy of living and blooming that beautifully. Without our own assumptions and presumptions, our schedules and earthly goals, we are free to grow and blossom in extraordinary, colorful ways. Love is trying to find its flow, will you help it run? Love wants to surge through everything you know, all that you do and say, every place that you go, and it is capable doing so, the way water trickles around even the barriers made of dense rock. Rivers run through deep, dark canyons so that we will know we are never without Water; we are never too far gone. Through all our days, especially the dark ones, may we clear the way for the easy river, and drink from it with a gracious heart. 

2021 Gift Guide

  1. Evolving Horizon IV 9”x12” oil on canvas $400

  2. Harvest Jewels Flower Studs $300 ( available in gallery only. call or visit to purchase)

  3. 2022 Desktop calendar $68

  4. “Be Color” candle an uplifting cedar and bergamot scent $38

  5. Travel By Design $95 (available in gallery only. visit or call to purchase)

  6. Silver Rain I print 16x16 $200, 30x30 $600

  7. “Still” 48x36 oil painting on canvas $3,100

  8. Tabletop print in acrylic frame “Light Span” $58

  9. Tuscany Marvel $95 (available in gallery only. visit or call to purchase)

  10. BABS art pad $18

  11. “Trust” stationery set $24

Life Drips

photography: chad riley

It’s a painting; a work of art. It’s not a picture window. It’s not even a photograph. 

It’s paint, and what does paint do? It drips.

Given the opportunity, wet paint will run carelessly through the paintings I so carefully constructed. 

Thass just how paint do.

I love that about paint. 

I like when an artist gives her medium the liberty to do its thing. Like, when clay sculptures have finger shaped impressions and lumps…cracks even; Paintings that reveal the staple holes in the corners where the paper needed more than tape to support its weight plus paint, and the brushstrokes left wild and untidy…. and the drips… ah the drips…..where the artist gave her paint the freedom to do what it naturally does. Why do I love these traits? Because it means it wasn’t manipulated to death, it wasn’t handled and pushed to the point of becoming unrecognizable. When a medium is worked so hard that it doesn't look like itself, there is something missing….  It’s life. It’s missing the imperfections of reality. Without some “flaws”, the art is rendered lifeless. Lifeless art? Eh. No thank you. 

Doesn’t that sound familiar? There go my paintings again… talkin bout life and stuff. Don’t you recognize how many of us are doing the same damn thing? Stripping the life out of ourselves in order to seem flawless. Well, the jig is up, folks. Paint drips, and we do, too.  

What if we could display ourselves like a confident artist hangs her imperfect work? What if we stepped back and gave ourselves permission to be slightly unfinished?  Is that “less is more” stuff really possible? Can doing less feel more complete? Would we feel less overwhelmed? Dare I say, less anxious? In fact, maybe there is intention in our drips, completion in our incomplete state, purpose in our flaws, ideals in our ugly? Is it possible that what we hide was meant to be seen? When I look at life through my artist’s eyes, I see that perhaps our best self is the cracked and drippy version. To smear is human. And if we are smearing, that must mean we are living; moving, doing, acting on heartfelt impulse… not hesitantly waiting to dry, waiting for perfect conditions before we step out into the world. To wait on perfection would be a long one. We are living beings constantly changing into someone more complex with each day. And, that means we are always in progress. There is no stagnant state in a lifetime, and there is no evolvement without change, and what is change without a mess?  Are you trackin’?? When it comes to making improvements, we all know big messes are part of the process. So, why do we wanna hide our process, when the mess shows that we are doing cool things? Why are we so compelled to blend out the fingerprints? 

In the grocery store line last week, I noticed the word anxiety on multiple magazine covers. It is a buzz word as of late. I gotta be honest, it makes me cringe a little. It’s become a millennial trend to be ridden with “anxiety”. I say that in quotes because what I’m referring to is not the real and true condition that many struggle with deeply in a physical and paralyzing way, which is why it irks me that it has become a term to be used so lightly. Now we applaud celebrities for stepping into the light, for admitting they battle “anxiety”. We honor those who put the spotlight on their struggle, and I suppose this is an effort to make others who deal with the issue feel less alone. Good intentions, but all I can think about is the root question: why now do we all have this anxiety? Why are we applauding their brave choice to admit they have this issue, rather than discussing why there is a need to do that in the first place? Why suddenly, is everyone eaten up with worry and stress and exhaustion? Why are we eating ourselves alive in an effort to look less chewed up? 

Comparison has been called the thief of joy.  And, we as a society are constantly comparing. It’s no wonder we have so much anxiety and depression. But, then, when a seemingly perfect celebrity admits they are, in fact, wait for it…human…..that they too are tangled up in a knot of “anxiety”, it is suppose to be an admirable admission of vulnerability. But, what the hell man? Does that actually do anything to help those who struggle with this exhausting brand of stress? I mean, I don’t look at that magazine cover and feel like I should make some healthy choices in my life to release the tension. It makes me feel like the tension is normal. This magazine headline is normalizing stress. It glamorizes it even, and, to me, this further identifies the problem at hand: that we are cyclical creatures of comparison, and since comparison itself induces the feeling of inadequacy, comparison continually contributes to the cycle… comparison is actually the key ingredient. We are using comparison to cook up anxiety, and we’re reheating the leftovers over and over again, and serving it out in the grocery store line. We are making ourselves physically sick by eating up the illusion of perfection. Never mind that perfection is not real or even possible.

Instead of checking ourselves based on our similarity to another, shouldn’t we instead be making sure we are similar enough… to ourselves? … as close as possible to the honest to God real version of who we were designed to be? I think the most satisfying feeling in the world must be to fully realize yourself and dive into it, head first; big, drippy splash and all, without the first apology.

Real art is not about comparison. I love that about art; it is all about interpretation, from the artist’s initial inspiration to the viewer’s take on the result, and whatever happens in between.  A painter takes a scene, a vision, a sensation or an emotion, and she reacts to it and recreates it with her hands and heart and her own unique God given ability. And some will say (me, I say:)….the more unique the interpretation, the better the art… or, at the very least, the more exciting the art. So, when a painting perfectly recreates a scene we have already looked at, why would we call it art? If it is not a unique interpretation, then it is only a duplication… a Xerox copy, and we have a machine to do that for us. When art is simply a copy, what’s the point? Unless, instead of a Xerox copy, the art is a brand new interpretation, a unique and reimagined treat for the eyes. These are the paintings that get celebrated for being boldly one of a kind.

You already knew paint drips before you read this essay. And, I don’t have to tell you that my paintings are made out of paint. My landscapes are not created with grass and water. No, they are made of drippy, slow drying oil paint gently rendered to resemble a scene, an emotion, a moment in time.  I am telling you this because I want to point out that we are like artwork. We are also made of dripping, cracking materials, but for some reason we sometimes use a therapist or a life coach to point that out to us. We are runny works in process representing the exact moment in time in which we are living in. We go through messy changes all throughout life. And, each one of us is making a mess differently than the next. We experience so much change over a lifetime, that we really can’t even compare ourselves …to former versions of ourselves. We are not Xerox copies of each other, not Xerox copies of anything. We are fantastically one-of-a-kind soaking wet paintings, each smearing differently than the next, but all smearing nonetheless. And, like an unprecedented work of art, our distinction is something to celebrate.

Sadly, we don’t always see the smears because many of us are hiding our messy moments. We are covering up the naturally occurring drips and overworking ourselves to death like a painter can overwork a painting straight to the trash can. Think of the energy we could save if only we believed that less truly is more. Think of the relief we would feel if we saw that the truth is something to celebrate, not the false that hides it.

In my latest body of work, each running droplet of paint represents the natural state of ourselves. This art is to inspire us to embrace the mess. Just as an artist can regretfully overwork a painting, we can overwork and manipulate ourselves until we are no longer sure of what we are made of. An overworked piece of art is a crying shame. What a waste it is to hide the good stuff; a waste of time, waste of materials, and most of all, a waste of talent. Or better put, talent wasted on perfection. We don’t long for perfect art. We don’t save up for and collect massively reproduced and commercialized art, the kind at Bed Bath and Beyond and Target. No, we save up for the real version, the one with human fingerprints; indications of life. I need to see life in my art… and ART in my LIFE… I wanna see that good ole human error coming through. I am not drawn to conveyer belt art. And, I am not drawn to conveyer belt people, either.

I’ll be honest. Behind the scenes of my curated gallery, everything is currently a MESS. But, I’ll be damned if this season of disarray hasn’t unearthed some of the most honest parts of me. This year has dredged up my weirdest self. I almost forgot about that version of me, the one that is willing to go left when everyone and their brother is going right. She got buried under parenthood presumptions and mom guilt and FOMO and “anxiety", and other unnecessary fears that are as useless as pedaling backwards. This big ass mess of a year(…) has broken me down into a million pieces and started a process of sorting through the bullshit. I am unbecaming the things I accidentally became. Like the drips in my paintings that run right through everything I spent hours constructing, messy moments in life have their own way of redirecting. The runs create emphasis and contrast and draw attention to areas that The Artist feels are most important. The most uncomfortable part?… is letting the drips “ruin” those parts we exhausted ourselves manipulating. In the end, the mess gets the job done.

The jig is up, y’all. Life drips. It is messy, and anybody who tries to seem like the exception, is just really good at hiding the truth. The proof is in the mess; don’t trust anyone who doesn’t have one in their life. It’s proof of true living. The drips prove that a most artistic and heart driven life is still in process. Don’t hide your hot mess; celebrate it! It’s the clean and cold state that we wanna avoid. You are a constant work in process until your job here is complete. Caution: wet paint ahead.

Looks Like Lemonade Tastes


This art is as high as the clouds. It’s as ethereal and spiritual to paint as it is to look at. But, before I was this high, I was much lower. We all have low years, but I wanna talk about what happens if we take the lows for all they’re worth, and use them to get high. 

It pushed me all the way down to the marshy bottom. I was like dead weight. By the end of a long hard year, I was broken and crushed. When I lost my dad on the last day of 2020, I sank. I described the feeling as treading water in a deep, murky creek. I lived in between panic attacks for the first few weeks of 2021. That was the murky, deep part; the feeling of uncertainty and unfamiliarity after a year that felt like it had pushed me under over and over again. 

When I recovered from the darkest depths of grief, what I saw was the sky and all of the glorious color and light that surrounds me. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of it since. The color and light of my surroundings are constant reminders of a promise, and the vastness of the sky puts the big picture of life into perspective. My Looking Up series of paintings float with an airy, breathy lightness. These paintings intend to drift both the eye and the heart upward. 

Would I have ever started creating these sky light paintings if I hadn’t experienced that mucky, dark creek? Would I know this kinda color if I didn’t believe my dad was within it? 

I don’t know what the right answer is. I don’t know whether or not I’d have ended up here, painting heaven, if I hadn’t gone through hell first. But I have my ideas. And, I believe that when I heard his familiar voice in a song that day in my studio, I was being asked to paint the earth and the space above it.  

“If you could see what I see, you’d be blinded by the colors.”

I was created with a certain vision and a unique heart. I am a dreamer and a seeker; a dreamer of ways to bring color to my life; a seeker of light filled opportunity just waiting to be taken advantage of. I am a maker. I envision and create something where there was nothing. I think outside the box, the same one that I could never be stuffed into. I can’t be categorized or summed up in so many words. I am not simple or minimal. I am a lot.  You might even call me “extra”, and that’s ok. This is my honest truth. And, being honest with yourself is the first stepping stone on the path to fulfillment. Knowing your truth is essential to creating a life that makes you truly happy. 

How old were you when you realized you can do (within reason) whatever the fuck you want to do with your life? I was today years old. That’s how the meme makers are saying it. I was now years old when I ran into a figurative brick wall. I’m 36 and a half…. I’d say that's too young for a “mid-life crisis”, but then again, how would we know when we have reached mid-life? And, if you’ve reached the point when you need to pivot, who says you have to call that a crisis?? In the life story I’m writing, that pivotal point is the opposite of a rock bottom crisis. It’s more like reaching a peak and finally being able to see your surroundings, like getting your bearings, because now you know the way. But, that decisive point does often come after you’ve been in the lowest of depths. Many times you’ve had a trek through a muddy, marshy hell to thank for your new view.

The hard times are an opportunity. When you get through the rough patches, do you take stock and reassess? When you’ve lost loved ones or been put through the ringer yourself, do you stop and realize, what the hell have I been waiting for? NOW is the time to do the damn thing.  

There’s never gonna be a road sign telling you when it’s time to leap. Those quiet tugs in the heart are the closest thing you’ll get to a directional sign. 

After my hardest year, I felt God asking me one question after another: Will you continue to trust Me even when it feels like you’re drowning? When your heart hurts so bad, will you continue to hear it? Will you continue to have faith in My purpose for you? Will you believe Me when I tell you everything is gonna be alright? If I show them to you, will you look up to the millions of colors that surround you, and will you use them? Will you honor them? Will you sense the truth in them? Will you have the courage to tell your story? 


In 2021, everything looks different. Suddenly, I don’t see my time on Earth as something to desperately cling to and protect. I see it as something to use. 

We are so careful with our lives that we don’t even use them. Like the fine china, we don’t even take it off the shelf for fear that it will break. When my dad would look at me like I was nuts to hand him one of my nice wine glasses, I’d say: “I’d rather see you using it just once than look at it in the cabinet forever.” In my house, we enjoy the nice things we have. If it was made to be used, I use it. 

I answered those bold questions that were placed on my heart. I felt the tug, and I leaned. I believed what couldn’t be explained or proven, and the more I used it in my art, the more I sensed the ultimate color and light.

I believe in Heaven as a wondrous place. It must be like being submerged within the sky among a spectrum of spectacular colors, the ones that go on display when the sun comes and goes each day, when a gentle arc of color comes from a wretched storm. 

“If you could see what I see, you’d be blinded by the colors.” 

Faith is having confidence in what isn’t proven, only felt and sensed. It’s like climbing a ladder not knowing where it leads but trusting the force that’s telling you to start climbing. And, we start small scale on the first rung, but with each faithful step we climb higher, and the higher we climb and further we get from the safe ground, the more tempted we are to fear and doubt because looking down: “damn that’s a long way to fall.”. But, as we get higher the view of looking up gets better and better until you find yourself in the clouds, surrounded by color and light like you’d never witnessed. I’ve reach a new height in faith. And, all I know is I didn’t get here without first going through the mud and muck. 

I believed my sour lemons could become something sweet. I used the bitter bite of loss to make art that looks like sweet lemonade tastes. I used my experience with pain to create a vision of comfort. This art is for you as much as it is me. Its purpose is to inspire us all to remain strong and faithful even through the cold, watery creeks, when your life feels like a bag’a sour lemons. Be inspired to look at hard times as an opportunity to climb the ladder. As you get up there, take in the view. Look up. Not just with your eyes, but with your heart. Witness the light. From what I hear, it’s so magnificent up there, we’d “be blinded by the colors”. And, now I know one thing for sure:

 I want to get as close to that beauty as possible while I’ve still got a place on Earth. I don’t wanna wait for that kind of splendor. I want to know it now, in this life. 

A faithful life grows us vertically. The higher we get into the vibrant clouds, the harder it is to settle down low; the more unsatisfying and disappointing it is to allow fear to shrink you into a small, dark box. I don’t want anything or anyone to tell me how high I can climb in this life. I want to live in my life like it’s a castle in the clouds. I want to fill it with art, music, friends and family and dance in the light for the rest of my days. I want to relish in all the color and light that surrounds me in this sweet spot I live in by Mobile Bay. I want to create paintings that celebrate and honor what has been created for us. I want my art to look the way these bodies of water make me feel. I want it to warm and settle the heart like watching a dreamy sunset with a chilly glass of wine. I want to make paintings that look like cold lemonade tastes at high noon in June.  While I am on this earth, I want to keep us as close to the blinding color as we can possibly get. 

“Pivotal Point” 48/36 oil on canvas / click here for information on available works from this seriesview the full “Looking Up” series by clicking here or select FINE ART on home screen.


Natural Resources

dec 30 sq.jpg

Love the one you're with… You know the song…. I have questioned that one for as long as I’ve known it. Because, growing up, my mom always told to me, “Don’t settle.”. And well,  that song always sounded to me like settling; settling for what’s convenient versus searching for what is exceptional. I bring this up because I’ve discovered a different take on Stephen Stills’ lyrical advice. 

Last Saturday night a friend and I were discussing (complaining) about the passage of time; damnit, if it doesn’t  just keep speeding up! He and I agreed that one day, and it won’t be long, we will be looking back to the “good ole days”, ones like that very moment we were in, in our late thirties, when we got together with good friends and drank too much and laughed too loud. We don’t always realize when the “good ole days” are “these days”, when everything we truly need and want in life is right there in front of us. Take stock. Take notice. Look around. These are the good ole days.

My dad brought me to this place. He led me here even though he isn’t here anymore. The truth is, my dad is closer to me now than he ever was before. It’s true. I have felt him with me since the day he left. And, I get it. I understand why he’s still with me because I am a parent, too. I could never just jump ship and leave my children behind. I will be with them always and in similar ways that I always had been. But, it would be easy to miss that, to not recognize his presence, to not believe it even when I sense he’s near. 

He and I had a good relationship, but if I’m being honest, we weren’t crazy close. That doesn’t make his loss any easier though. He was my daddy, and he was a really good one, too. Truth is, neither of us have ever been especially skilled at small talk. I’m the worst about using the telephone to stay in touch with anyone. Sometimes we would go weeks without speaking, but when we did, talking to him was the most efficient conversation ever. No beating around the bush, just getting to the point; brief check ins and then back to our individual rhythms. I look back to the days when we worked as neighbors, when our relationship had repetition. After I moved back home after college, my first studio in Mobile was right next door to his office, and in those days, our routines effortlessly overlapped. And, after I moved out of that studio to work at home, I saw him less often, but something about our natures kept us overlapping; passing in the car and running into each other at the drug store. We were both guilty of not putting solid effort into keeping up. I wish we had met for lunch or just a drink more often, but even without trying we continued to cross paths. We remained connected by nature. We were continuously right in front of each other in a way that could not be ignored. 

I miss him being here, like in the flesh- here. I miss the comfort of his solid presence in a room and his firm and confident beliefs. I miss his hand on my back. I think of his hands all the time. Those are the missing pieces I can’t get from our new connection. But, these days we share many more moments. There are wordless conversations happening between us throughout each day. And, that just makes sense. That part is similar to what it was, and it’s comfortable. He never needed more than a few sentences to say what he wanted to say, anyway.

I’ve used my art as a means of therapy to process grief, to “self heal” if that’s even a thing. I decided I’d have to be open to anything in order for it to work. I opened my heart and mind up to whatever kind of art wanted to came along during this season. Nothing was off the table, not even representational art. As I painted, I began to feel one clear epiphany after another, always coming through music. Through music I was able to realize that everything I ever needed in order to make art is right in front of me. The scenery of this coastal city where I’ve spent the majority of my life is full of color and light. True color and constant light. Hope and joy, love and spirituality. I have lived here most of my life, but I feel like I’m looking at it with brand new eyes. I have been painting for over 20 years, but it feels like I just discovered the power of paint. The first thing my dad did for me from his new point of view was encourage me to open my eyes and see what surrounds me, what I am looking right at every day; real Color and true Light.

He’s saying: Raise your head up and look around. You’re missing it, and it is right in front of you. You’re in it; in the thick of it; the good ole days. There is color and light all around you. Look up. You wanna paint something pretty? Look up!

The first day I gave into the pull, the one that was begging me to paint this scenery, I kid you not, a red cardinal sat at my studio door and watched me paint. He wasn’t there to eat anything or gather anything, he was looking inside and watching me. I have a picture to prove it. He left periodically and then he would came back. And, he continues to come back often. He’s checking in. It’s a brief interaction like when my dad and I waved as we passed each other on Old Shell Road or when he’d come to my studio or gallery, make a few observations, give a little nod, a handful of wise words, a pat on the back and then, adiós. This red Cardinal lets me know my dad is still around. When that tiny red speck appears, I notice it. When the cardinal comes it feels like one of those quick pop bys.

My dad liked to take credit for my creativity. He always said I got it from him. He is so proud I took his suggestion to look up and paint the beauty of the earth and sky, and he’s letting me know it. And the truth is, I probably wouldn’t have taken his suggestion had it come from him on Earth side. I took a lot of his advice, but never about art. He knows that, too. I can picture him smirking at me with one eyebrow raised. All this is to say: these are his landscapes. He is painting this art with me. It turns out, he knew a thing or two about color and light, but now more than ever. 

Birds have captured my attention. They’ve ushered my eye to the sky. The hawks prepared me for this shattering loss. They taught me the power of perspective and had me ready to look up and out. They led me to see the vast amount of love and light that goes far beyond the end of the earth. And, then the cardinals, they keep me remembering that although he is in a distant place, he’s also very near. 

On December 30th a flock of geese landed on Mobile Bay. I gasped when I saw them from inside the bay house. I’ve never seen that before. Robert and the kids and I went out and watched them. I took pictures. It felt momentous and symbolic… of what?…. I did not yet know. But, it was my birthday, and the geese felt like a gift.  

That night my dad took to the sky, but not before leaving me with that gift, a lasting keepsake, a sign, one that even sounds like his nickname fore me; “goo”. 

I’ve seen the geese since then. Two flew over me honking recently. I was coming home from a walk with a friend. They were literally impossible to miss, maybe 15 feet above our heads and honking. I burst into tears at the sight. Seeing a goose is not at all typical in my neighborhood. When these geese cross my path, I know it’s a gift sent just for me. It felt momentous and symbolic because it was. It is. 

If I needed you would you come to me?

Would you come to me for to ease my pain?

If you needed me I would come to you

I would swim the sea for to ease your pain

Well, the night's forlorn and the morning's born

And the morning's born with the lights of love

And you'll miss sunrise if you close your eyes

And that would break my heart in two.

(Don Williams and Emmylou Harris)

I look to the sky throughout the days. I watch for the flying ushers to lead my eye up, and I wait for the sky to preform for me. I look at the landscapes around me like I’m seeing them for the first time. I’m taking in every little detail, and at the same time, I’m observing the vast, enormity of it all. I paint what I see in order to honor it. I don’t paint landscapes from pictures. I paint from moments in time. The moments when I sense: that Heaven and Earth are more overlapped than I ever realized, that the skyline is the seam where the two meet, that Color and Light are more than just color and light, that the “good ole days” are “these days”. 

When we open our eyes to what’s right in front of us, when we use what we see, when we trust how we feel and love who and what we’re with, we are honoring a moment, showing gratitude, and by doing so, we overlap with the fullest picture of it all. We get a momentary glimpse at what is impossible to fathom. Like the arc of color that periodically appears in the atmosphere, nature is as mystical as it is real. 

May you always know the truth

And see the lights surrounding you

May you always be courageous

Stand upright and be strong

And may you stay

Forever young

(Bob Dylan) 

May you stay forever in awe, as if it was the first time you opened your eyes. May you recognize what’s right in front of you. May you remain present, even through the tough years, realizing that even the days that are far from perfect could still turn out to be “the good ole days”. All you’ve ever wanted could be closer than you realize. I hope that my newest series of art inspires you to look up, not just literally, but figuratively, too; stay hopeful. Keep your head up and your eyes open. I hope you are inspired to trust what you feel and give yourself permission to believe in it, too. The heart knows what the head can’t begin to comprehend. Color and Light is only color and light until it has truly been seen, until it has been fully witnessed. 

So I changed my mind about “Love the One You’re With”. It doesn’t have to mean settling. No, it’s more like this: There’s no need to keep searching if you're already looking right at it. Now that song talks to me about looking up to what is already there, your most natural resources; what you have and where you are. 

And, if you do hear the call to seek out something spectacular, by all means go for it, but be sure the voice you follow has seen what you already have. 

I went up to the mountain

Because you asked me to

Up over the clouds

To where the sky was blue

I could see all around me


Sometimes I feel like

I've never been nothing but tired

And I'll be walking

Till the day I expire

Sometimes I lay down

No more can I do

But then I go on again

Because you ask me to

Some days I look down

Afraid I will fall

And though the sun shines

I see nothing at all

Then I hear your sweet voice, oh

Oh, come and then go, come and then go

Telling me softly

You love me so.

The peaceful valley

Just over the mountain

The peaceful valley

Few come to know

I may never get there

Ever in this lifetime

But sooner or later

It's there I will go.

(Up to the Mountain, Patty Griffith)



 Swimming in some kind of murky, cold water, unsure of the depth and unfamiliar with the landscape. Feet searching for the bottom while eyes scan for something to make sense, clues of reassurance. The lack of light is disorienting, and the hazy air is lost for color.  One breath at a time, one emotion, one memory at a time. One thing at a time. One. Only one. More than one is too heavy. One emotion tells you that this is water, and you need to start swimming. One memory is a flotation device. One at a time keeps the head above water. More than one takes on the water. 

When you lose someone you love, the whole world is unrecognizable. It’s disorienting. Days and hours are confused with each other. Your own life is suddenly unfamiliar and uncomfortable. This ice cold water stings, and there is nothing to do, but swim in it. Swim or sink. 

My father left this world one month ago. It was very sudden and too soon, as far as us Earth dwellers are concerned. He was 66. He knew something was wrong and did all the things you are suppose to do to save your own life. We, too, did all the things we knew to do to save his life. Yet, here we are, swimming in grief. 

As it turns out, this past year of creating art was like a season of conditioning. My work led me right up to the doorstep of loss. Through my art, I had already asked some very “big picture” questions:

What is life on Earth about? 

What is pain and hardship about? 

What actually is fear, and where does it come from?

And, what about courage?

I allowed the questions themselves to become my inspiration for my art. And, I got my answers… simply by asking the questions. I wanted to better understand something, so I just raised my hand and asked, and then, I paid close attention. I trusted every artistic suggestion, every impulse, unsure of how my answers might arrive. And then they came, the answers flooded my heart and bones as I did the work He asked me to do; paint. He answered me, as I answered Him.

For me, painting is spiritual. As I paint, I allow music to guide my heart to specific realizations. My process of creating art has a lot to do with music. I believe that music was created in the same way my art is created; through a spiritual sense of inspiration and curiosity.

My questions led me to develop a deep and metaphorical understanding of pain in comparison to water. Pain is in the rivers we cross throughout our journey. In the fall, as I painted “Wade Through I & II” I listened to Chris Stapleton’s words, and he walked me through the muddy waters of my own pain until I reached an understanding of life on Earth and the hardships that come with it. Life is not about staying clean and tidy. It is not meant to be painless and pretty. It hurts. It stings. It is frightening at times. And, with that recognition, I layered in the concepts of fear which I had gathered in the same way earlier in the same year. Fear is like a heavy weight; something that keeps us anchored, it keeps us from moving and living. But, there is no fear where there is faith. With faith there is trust- even amongst the dark threats of loss and pain. So, I concluded that pain is inevitable, but not fear. Replace fear with faith and then…viola- there you have courage; the ability to trust and live, the ability to move forward into something purposeful. But, life is not all about doing hard, painful things. It’s not all about avoiding fear. A point comes, when it’s all been said and done, when we rinse off the mud and muck, and we find ourselves on the other side. This is a place where we get to rest our tired bones, where there is no more darkness, only color and light. 

That clarity eased my heart; we are meant to do hard things, and pain isn’t forever. Ok, got it. That felt like a good conclusion to my series of painted questions. But, I had no idea my perspective would so quickly shift again, that it could rise even higher, that these answers were only the prep work.  Something truly painful was just ahead, something that would lead me to draw an even more vivid conclusion about what it means to exist on Earth and thereafter.

It was Tuesday December 30th, my dad called to wish me a happy birthday. He told me he was glad I was born, and I said, “Thanks to you.”, which was a weird thing to say. So we laughed. 

He said, “I love you.” 

I said “I love you, Daddy. Take care of yourself.” 

“I love you, too. Good night.”

I’ll never forget that group of words. 

That night, he closed his eyes in the dark and woke up in The Light. Like that amazing song by the Avetts, I imagine he walked up to the Savior True shaking hands laughing… walking through the night, straight to the light….  And, as John Prine wrote, I can hear my dad thanking God for more blessings than one man can stand… I bet he went and found his mom and dad, too. But, it wouldn’t have been a vodka and ginger-ale he ordered. Although, I’m sure he found his own version of happy hour. With my own vision, and in my own words, I imagine he found the perfect tree to sit and lean up against in heaven’s woods, a place where he can observe and admire the glory land, noticing all the details in the same way he took in the artistic beauty of Earth. 

This was a man who loved nature and observed details so fine. He was not an artist, but he was quick to take credit for me being one. He was creative and observant, and he taught me to notice. My brother has told me that our dad watched hawks like I do. Daniel says “Dad loved hawks.”. I didn’t even realize that, at least I don’t think I did. Sometimes those details are lost, but the notion sticks around. I noticed hawks everywhere last year. I knew I was meant to notice them, too. I knew I was suppose to gather something from these soaring watchers, the ultimate noticers, but I couldn’t fully identify what they represented. I leaned in and used these birds of prey in my art. I wrote about hawks and read about hawks. Native Americans consider hawks to be courageous warriors of truth. Hawks symbolize high perspective. I knew there was something there, something relative. And, that was true. 

“You have to be honest with yourself before you can be honest with anyone else.” He shared those words with us daily. Those words have infiltrated me to the bone. It is what I represent and carry out through my work, what I hope to inspire in others. It is all about truth and trust. Trust what you perceive, what you sense, and believe that it is true. Be boldly honest with yourself. 

I can’t imagine that a hawk perched up high sits there worrying about what the owl next door thinks of him or second guessing his primal instincts. The hawk is a powerhouse bird. Dude knows his skillz… he’s confident, patient and perceptive. 

The truth is, sometimes my observations and my conclusions derived from animal sightings and music lyrics, it all sounds hokey. I can admit that. It might sound fake and forced. I can hear the skeptics and surface level people saying, “Oh, come on…you see what you’re looking for. You hear what you want to hear.” And that may be true for some folks, but when I’m honest with myself, I can tell the difference between truth and false.  I can tell the difference between my heart and my head. When God speaks to me, it comes through my heart. It is subtle and easy to miss, but it is truth, undeniably. That voice has proven its power. It is real, and it is worth trusting. 

After weeks of paddling around in the water of grief, I was struggling to get back to my studio…until I remembered some advice my dad gave me this past fall. He taught me to compartmentalize; to organize pain into categories in order to make it manageable and eventually useful. This advice taught me to concentrate on one thing at a time to keep from getting overwhelmed, as I easily do. Placing one foot in front of the other walked me back into my studio. Mixing one color at a time created a scheme. Working with one idea at a time, I created one painting at a time. Just one kept me moving forward. Just one kept me from taking on water. It kept me swimming versus sinking. Until, suddenly, paint was pouring out onto canvases all over the studio. I’ve been constructing little narratives and dialogs on canvas in every corner of the room. Some are with God, some with my dad, some are framed versions of his new perspective, some of my new perspective. Inspiration is coming though me like bottleneck traffic in Atlanta. This big, broad picture has come in tight and close. I’m sensing things I’ve never sensed before. I can’t fit it all in a days work or within the space of my studio. Suddenly, there is so much to make out of this, so many colors to paint. 

I’ve learned it’s pretty common after a loss, to pray for a visit, like a sign or a dream, some kind of recognition and reassurance that your person is in God’s hands. Some people plead for a sense of comfort that all is well, and they receive it in all different shapes and forms. And, these people who’ve had the dream or the sign, they trust that it is a visit from their lost person. It’s that heart and head thing, the truth versus the false can be clear as day when you yourself experience it. But, when you hear it without relating, it can sound unreal. I was unsure of how to use this material, how to share this or whether is was necessary to share at all. But, it was too colorful not to share. It was too bright to just sit on a shelf. So I’m passing the light. 

“Well, Darlin' (“Goo”) I'm just tryin' to tell ya...That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head.

If you could see what I see, you'd be blinded by the colors, 

Yellow, red, and orange, and green, and at least a million others.

So tie up the bow, take off your coat, and take a look around... everything is alright now.” 

(Kasey Musgraves) 

My dad didn’t call me “Darlin”. He called me “Goo”.  (I think that came from “Silly Goose”, but it’s been “Goo” for so long I can’t actually remember.) The song said “Darlin”, but in my heart, I heard “Goo”. Allow me to preface what I’m about to say with this: my dad had nothing in common with Kasey Musgraves… or rainbows for that matter, but that didn’t seem to stop me from hearing his voice in a song called “Rainbow”. He reached out to me through her words as I painted- the same way God reaches me almost every day, and that makes perfect sense, at least to me. 

I believe God funnels himself through people doing His work, the work He calls on us to do. He comes to us when we are putting trust in His design. He puts himself in the words and sounds of a musician, through the colors and strokes of an artist, through the people who glorify His gifts and His creation. These are the light passers. That’s why those of us who are noticers are also charged with being passers. We don’t get these inspirations for our own good and stop there. It is meant to be shared for the good of someone else. Even if it is only one someone else. When the light gets passed, it’s a beautiful thing. Light becomes inspiration. But, what happens when light passes through water, through someone’s pain? Light through water becomes color; a spectrum we refer to as a rainbow. Not a sparkly, shiny rainbow, but a spectrum of honest and true color. A spectrum of hope.

That word, rainbow, it had shown up everywhere since my dad died, but I hadn’t been able to understand how this rainbow theme applied to my dad?… It wasn’t adding up. I mean, the man had a heart of gold, but rainbows were not his thing. So, in an effort to understand it, I began to work that spectrum of colors into my art; ROYGBIV’s snuck into each composition. Then, I heard the song “Rainbow” like I was hearing it for the first time ever. And, I cried. No, I sobbed. Because I understood fully what he wanted me to know. And, in that moment I felt his hand pat my back, putting me at ease. “Everything is alright now.”

From where he sits now, leaned up against that big ole tree in heaven’s woods, he sees rainbows all the time- they never fade. He sees God’s color & light, including where and who it reaches. He wanted me to know that this color I’ve been devoted to for the majority of my life, it is not random or disconnected, it comes from far and beyond. All these weeks I’ve been stuck under the cloud of loss, like swimming in a cold creek in the middle of a rainstorm, yet all the while- color was brewing above me. The light was preparing to shine through these waters to reveal color like I’d never known before. My dad wanted to make sure I was noticing. He didn’t want me to miss a single detail. 

At the memorial service, we honored the life of Dan Haas with the song “Where Rainbows Never Die”. Despite the title, we felt his character in the lyrics. The rainbow never represented him. It represents where he is and what he sees. He sits up high like a hawk observing, taking it all in, every detail and every color, from a place where there is no darkness, only color and light. He rests now with the rainbows.

Suddenly, the spectrum of color is so close to me. It’s so strong. It is more purposeful and powerful than it was before the water came.  And, I trust that nothing about life is random. And, everything is connected. And, it does not always feel “alright”. But, it always will be all right

Be beautifully bold and bright in your ways. 

Trust in your heart, and value your days.

Be all that you are and nothing you’re not.

Be color. 

Be light. 

Be a bright spot.

Musical inspirations available for download on Spotify; See Sarah Otts playlist titled “Honestly”. 

To Wait or Wade?

Hard Lean 48x48, Avail 36x48

Hard Lean 48x48, Avail 36x48

Watch out! I’m coming in hot…What in the actual fuck is going on lately? That’s what people keep saying. It’s the new, more specific version of the old, tried and true: “What the fuck?”. The old way just wasn’t cutting it this year. The old way didn’t have enough meat on the bones to satisfy us. Now, we are demanding to know more, what is actually going on? This year is just bizarre, we need some answers, details, specifics. What in God’s name is this? 

After all the hardship of this year, I’ve found myself having a hard time accessing that bright tone of mine. It wasn’t that long ago when my heart first pulled me to recognize the phrase be a bright spot. Once I leaned into it, I saw how the word bright tied my painting style to my writing style. It tied my style of expression to my style of inspiration. It has served me well, that one word. But now, it’s harder to use. This fall I’ve felt the opposite of bright. You pick the word for it. Dark? Dim? Dull? Discouraged? Yes, any of those would work. I realize we all go there, and it’s only a phase, a temporary thing. The truth is, we can’t remain constantly bright any more than the sun can remain risen. We all wallow in muddy water at times, and I’ve been waist deep lately, but certainly not alone, not this year…not any year.

I’ve been in pain, and I’ve been fed up and frustrated. Why is it taking so long to heal? I’ve been frustrated with social distancing; why does this feel so helpless and endless? I can’t tell if we are suppose to face this thing or hide from it? I’ve been frustrated with my inspiration; how am I suppose to express brightness when I don’t feel it? How do I generate inspiring art and words when I am so off color? These questions made me sink into a funk. I knew I’d have to move to get out of this hole, and I’d have to use art to do it. I’d have to paint with all that I was feeling even if what I created wasn’t bright. I, myself, had written it into the defining poem stating what it means to be a bright spot. “Be all that you are and nothing you’re not.” My art is about truth, and that is something I am not willing to forgo. So, I’d use this painful path to get to wherever I was going. I would lean on it and apply it. I’d have to put my pain to work. I’d have to wade through it. 

When I finally shuffled up to my painting palette in my huge hip brace, the color I found myself mixing was different. It was muddy, muted and deep. It looked like fall. It looked like falling. It was not vibrant, but neutral, but it was still color, and it was still light. It was a new kind of bright. And, it showed me that there is brightness even in the dark of night. There is purpose even in pain.

This pain I refer to may literally be your hurting body, but maybe the word pain represents hardship or heartbreak. As you read on, allow the word pain to represent whatever it is you find yourself dealing with on your journey.

They say everything happens for a reason, even the painful times. If everything is laid out and planned for us, if everything, including pain, is purposeful and intended, do our choices make any difference? Do our decisions affect where we end up? I think the answer has everything to do with how we react to pain. I believe the path is set out for us to follow, but fear influences how far we tread. When you come across a dark, murky river as you travel along the journey of life, will you fearfully wait or courageously trust the journey and wade through pain? 

Fear will yank on your sleeve. He wants you to sit and wait, to doubt yourself, to doubt your strength and your endurance. He wants to keep you here, stuck. Fear says, “It’s gonna hurt, you know? It’s gonna be hard, and everything will be different. Just think about that.” And, so we do. Sometimes we wait with the fear of pain. We sit on the bank wasting time while we consider how much it’s gonna suck to get wet and muddy in that river. Fear makes us ask, “Why do I have to cross this stupid river anyway? Why me? It’s not fair.”. But, when Courage shows up with her quiet confidence, she suggests otherwise. Courage would never insist you sit down and use up your time complaining about the challenges you see ahead. She is a warm, supportive hand on your shoulder prompting you to trust the journey, to trust that even the pain you may encounter along the way will have a purpose, even if you can’t see it now. Courage wills you to keep going and carry on with your journey encouraging you to wade through, pain and all.

So, there you are. You took the lead of courage, and now you’re in it, a muddy, murky river with currents pulling and ripping around you. This hurts. Fear was right. There would be pain.

Fear tries to protect you from pain at all costs. Fear wants to protect you so much that he is willing to keep you from the life you were sent to live. Courage is not afraid, though, and she reminds you that you are capable of enduring much more than fear gives you credit for. Courage will see you through to the other side carrying you on to the places where there is color and light. Courage says “Do not fear pain for it provides the kind of perspective nothing else can.”. Pain is the toll we pay to reach the light.

Ok, so, what happens when we can’t choose whether or not to wade in? Many times we are shoved into a place of pain with no choice. Sometimes we stumble into the river while hesitantly trying to keep one foot on the bank. Fear has his buddies, hesitation and resentment, helping him hold a tight grip around your ankle. For example, when we get sick we have no choice but to experience the pain at hand, but in this case our choice isn’t if we experience it, it’s how we experience it. If we are in this river while keeping one foot up there with fear then we aren’t getting anywhere. This river is no longer purposeful, it's useless. It isn’t taking us anywhere. When we aren’t willing to utilize this stretch to cover ground, we might as well be sitting high and dry and stuck with fear. Except, this is worse because, like it or not, now you're wet and muddy and stuck. You have pain with fear.

Your other choice is to ditch the fear and his idiot friends, paddle through this river which we had no choice but to get into, and trust that this too is part of the journey. Take trust as a flotation device and wade in.

Fear is a restraint that holds us back, keeps us waiting and worrying. But, not pain. Pain doesn’t keep us stuck like fear can. Only the fear of pain keeps us stuck. But, pain can be a literal restriction, so how is it that fear is the stronger force? How can fear be stronger when it is only imagined, and pain is physical? How can fear be more powerful when it is only a head game, and pain is an actual sensation coming from a broken part of the body? Fear paralyzes us by leading us to think we don’t have the strength to withstand pain. Fear can hold onto us forever, but the river of pain is often a temporary piece of the path. This is how we can find ourselves too afraid to trek towards our own lives. This is how the fear of pain can be more restricting and miserable than pain itself.

At first, it was just a small hurt, but it grew. There was no accident or injury, just a brand new pain that I could not explain. At the very beginning of this year, for the first time in my life, I had hip pain. I would come to find out that I was born with hip dysplasia, which led to a torn labrum thirty five years later and not a minute sooner. Cue 2020, the age of one thing after another. It’s stacking up high, isn’t it? And, this hip pain, well for me, it was just the latest layer on this shit cake we’ve been baking since March. 

So, what did I do about it? For the first six months, I did what lots of “busy” people do; nothing. I ignored it. I didn’t have time for pain. So, I paced around it, pretending to not notice, waiting for it to go away. Until late summer, when it was no longer something I could ignore. I couldn’t take walks or sleep. I could hardly carry my child or walk through the sand and water at the beach. When it became challenging just to stand and paint, it was time to deal with it. It was time to wade in. 

The same way that little ache grew into a big pain, a two hour repair surgery turned into months of healing. I was never very clear on what to expect for recovery, but swift was not going to be the word for it. As it turned out, my hip needed more than a little cartilage repaired. The surgeon scraped and shaped my bones to allow the ball and socket to fit together properly, dislocating the entire joint in the process. There has been pain, of course, but along with it came sleep loss, stress, depression, discouragement, even regret. These are the emotions and experiences that get unpacked when you’re keeping company with pain. But, the other thing this unwelcome house guest brought me would change the way I carried on in my journey. Perspective

By this point, COVID-19 had already brought us all a brand new stronger sense of fear. More than just a fear of contracting the virus, we've dreaded dealing with the whole thing and the effects it might have on our daily lives and our businesses, our educations, our economy, our waistlines, our mental freaking stability…. a fear of not knowing when or how it could strike would hang heavy like a wet blanket. The list of virus worries is long. But, that particular fear was belittled once I found myself hip deep in this other river. And, then, in 2020’s perfect timing, just as I was making progress and gaining strength crossing the muddy waters of surgery recovery, just as the other side was almost in sight…. ding! The next layer of shit cake was done baking and ready to pile on top. A little cough grew into a lot of ache, and a little cold was actually a big, well-known virus. But, it was weird…suddenly a few weeks of quarantine and a virus to rest off just seemed like another river to wade through, another way to travel through time, another opportunity to get somewhere specific. So, there I was using my hip pain’s handy hostess gift; perspective

What I feared for months had finally come to the door, and by the time I answered it, I was already entertaining a house guest that was an even bigger pain in the ass. Misery does love company. Join us, won’t you?

So, there we were, aching hips, COVID lungs and me, bunked up in my yellow bedroom for ten days. What a pair of roommates. Once again swapping my painting palette for a keyboard and my painting apron for pajamas. How familiar this scene was getting. How acquainted I’d become this fall with my second form of expression and that lonely sting of FOMO. This felt like my waiting room. But, I wanted to know how, instead, could I make this my wading room?

When the virus became another river to cross, I had to choose whether I would wait or wade. Will I get stuck in a fearful panic, perpetually Cloroxing and Lysoling, obsessively worrying about spreading it to my family, finding a way to control the thing, googling info, spinning my wheels, stuck in the mud? Yes. Why, yes I would, but only at first. Because then, I would remember that there is to be purpose in all times. So, instead of waiting with the fear of the worst, I just went ahead and waded in for all it’s worth. Of course, I didn’t have a choice on whether or not to have covid. The choice was in how I handled being sick. I did remain isolated from my family, and I was useless most of the time. I could hardly breathe, and I could not think to save my life; not a very productive state. I rested when I felt like resting, which was a lot, and I watched tv when my brain felt like a marshy bog, which it mostly did, but then, when I sensed a concept in it all, a place for this chapter in the epic, big picture novel of my life, of our lives, I would write. I would wake up in a moment of clarity and write something down on the nearest piece of paper or type parts of this essay, which I’d later have to make sense of. Some days I wrote for hours on hours. Some days I used every bit of brain power to generate these reflections leaving myself so mentally drained I could not talk. Not exaggerating. This virus is a brain thing. The fog was thick, but somehow, through the density, I found trust that there would be purpose in this leg of the journey, too, and so I waded in by believing that this was taking me, us, some place specific. 

I realize now that the period of denial I went through earlier this summer was another waiting room. I spent the months of July and August actually considering the option of doing nothing about my hip pain. 

I could just stay, I could just wait, live here in this place where nothing gets better and  maybe it won’t get worse if I just do nothing, right? If I don’t have the surgery, I won’t have to put my family out, or deal with that intense kind of surgery pain or the hassle of physical therapy. Still, this choice has a cost; the cost of being inactive, not moving, not getting anywhere. 

Isn’t that ridiculous? I actually considered letting fear tell me to wait… even after I had already been painting and reflecting through a deep exploration of fear and the power it has on us. Even when we are fully aware of the deceptive power of fear, we still let it yank on our sleeve. Fear is very persuasive.

If we let fear talk us into waiting, are we still on a journey? Are we still traveling through time? Or are we just wasting time, waiting for it to pass? What sense does it make to stop covering ground, taking in the lovely views just because that daunting little voice tempts us to doubt our capability, our endurance? So after considering the cost of waiting, I realized it wasn’t worth it, and I waded in. I’d find the reason for this experience on the other side of the river, but I’d have to get wet and muddy first. 

We don’t get to choose when and what rivers we come to, but we can choose our response to them. Sometimes we stumble up to a river, caught off guard and unprepared. Even then, we can trust there is a reason for us to have landed there. So, go ahead, and experience it in full. Allow yourself to feel what you feel while you're there. Take it all in for what it’s worth because it is worth something, otherwise you wouldn’t have ended up there. But, don’t pitch a tent and set up camp. Don’t stick around with fear. Don’t wait. Use this path to keep going. Even if the colors seem muted and dark, paint with them anyway. 

You may be scratching your head. Use it? How do I use pain? How do I paint with it if I’m not a painter? How do I apply this experience constructively? For starters, stop asking “how” and start asking “why?”. Why did I come here? Why do I need this moment? 

Maybe you’ve been called on. Does God want you to connect with the other people who are or will be crossing this same river? Or, maybe this is God steering you, telling you that you’re veering away from the path He has set you on or that you are missing something He’s been trying to get you to notice along the way. Maybe, He’s brought you to this river because this way, there is no getting around Him, no ignoring His purposeful plans. Sometimes, God needs to get our attention, in a way we can’t pretend to not notice.

“We can ignore even pleasure. But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world....No doubt pain as God's megaphone is a terrible instrument…”

C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

Lewis is right, pain is a terrible instrument, but it is a very effective one, too. I want to cry every time I see someone running or walking down the sidewalk. I am craving exercise, I want to move my body. It’s called “feeling sorry for yourself”. It’s not a welcome feeling, and it comes with a shameful connotation. But, it’s a feeling, a temporary reaction and not a place of residence and something we should notice and utilize. Even these emotions we were taught to resist have a source and a reason for surfacing. Recognizing how we feel about our circumstances can help us compartmentalize. I’ve learned to be choosy with where and how I apply the small ration of energy and strength I’ve had since my hip problems began. I have to be decisive and designated. Could this actually be a request, one I could not ignore or walk around, a plea to shift gears, steady the pace as to not burn up the engines? A demand to get focused because Lord knows I have tried to do it all in recent years. Is this an opportunity to decide exactly what I want to put my energy towards?

A challenge must be an opportunity or else it becomes an obstruction. Pain must be purposeful or else we wouldn’t be surviving it. We bear pain. We cannot choose to put it away, to ignore it because we don’t want to deal with it. We were intended to feel it deeply. When pain gets our attention something needs to get noticed. When something needs noticing, it will be impossible to ignore. 

I trust my inspirations. I let inspiration lead me to the places I need to be. I lean into each tug allowing it to pull me towards the color and light. These days, inspiration is adamantly asking me for more specifics. Like a ruthless gossiper, it’s no longer content with my broad, vague words like heart and bright. It wants the damn truth!…about fear, courage and pain. So, I abide because it feels connected to something bigger than me. I paint and write and read and look and listen gathering up and exploring new understandings, new perspectives. 

I allowed inspiration pull me close to fear, and I’ve really gotten to know this fear fellow.  I know that he lives in our head, and I know how he teams up with hesitation, resentment and vulnerability. I recognize his tactics. I know how quickly we are to settle with fear, how strongly fear influences our choices, and how fear withholds us from walking towards the life we were sent to live.  Fear wants us to wait and wait until there is no more time left. By getting close to fear, I was introduced to courage. I know she lives in our hearts. I know that courage can effectively leave fear in its wake. I know the key to having courage over fear is knowing where each one resides, where each one comes from. One is in the heart, and one is in the head. One is associated with faith, and one is most certainly not. 

Once I drew that conclusion, inspiration got even more specific. It asked me to use what was close at hand, to lean into what hurt and make color and light with it. You want me to do what?! That felt like a wild contradiction. It didn’t feel bright. It didn’t look like my kinda color and light. But, the path had led me here, to a river, and there was no way to move ahead without going through it. How does this darkness fit into my picture? How can this be uplifting when it feels so low? I didn’t understand it at first, but I leaned in anyway. I began to paint even though it was painful. I started to share even as my voice shook. I kept trusting that there was purpose in this task, in this inspiration. And, there was. Be all that you are and nothing you’re not. Use what’s at hand. Lean in even though you don’t see what it’s pulling you towards. It wasn’t a question of how. It was a question of why.

Nothing is creatively propelling like pain. Look at all the music and art that’s been created from such a place. Inspiration has shown me that pain pushes us into a new depth and allows us to tap into an unknown reservoir of strength. And, as low as it feels, it provides us with the highest peak of perspective. 

This year, as the months progressed, as the hardships grew, as pain went from an ignorable nag to an insistent sting, as the things I feared came to the door and into the house, I become more acquainted with courage. This time last year, my body wasn’t broken, it didn’t hurt to walk and to breathe. But, this time last year, I wasn’t this strong. My heart wasn’t this trusting. I wasn’t leaning into my challenges, I was trying to keep them at a distance. My inspiration knew what was coming up around the corner. It knew this was the year to call on me in very specific ways. The whole world would come to know fear, courage and pain this year. We were all about to wade into a river. We would get wet and muddy and stuck. We would get fed up and want some answers, some details and specifics. In the most colorful way we would ask each other, “What in the actual fuck is going on”?

We are wading through a river along a journey towards a new place.

That’s what a journey is about, right? It’s about carrying ourselves through space and time towards a new place. In my moments of wading this year, I recognized that getting wet and dirty and tired along the way is part of the process, but, ultimately, if we leave fear behind and trek into the wild with a heart packed with courage and faith, one day, we wil reach the light where we will get clean and rest our tired feet. One day, I’ll wash the stubborn, oily film from my painter’s hands. But, not yet. I’ll keep getting paint under my nails, wading towards the light. There’s something out there and it pulls on me from my heart. I sense it the most when I paint, when I really get in there and make a sloppy, oily mess. I believe God made me a painter to keep me close to Him. He made me curious about color and light to pull me in, to allow me to notice things. The further down this curious path I go, the closer I get. The more I lean, the harder He pulls. 

When do we lean the hardest? At our happiest times we may be counting blessings, but are we falling to our knees desperate for guidance and strength if things are all hunky-dory? Are we grasping for something to hold onto when we feel safe and secure? No. So, maybe pain is God’s way of holding us close, keeping us noticing, keeping us inspired and aware of what should never go unnoticed. Do we walk through the dark so that we remain in need of His light? Is this His way of teaching us to trust that whatever awaits us ahead is His purposeful plan? I believe, one step at a time, He is teaching us to walk completely blinded, to lean into His pulls no matter how terrifying and contradicting the obstacles ahead may look. We don’t use our eyes to look right at the light. Instead we use our hearts. When we lean into the pulls as we wade through the rivers, we find ourselves with the strength to cross and carry on down the path.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you where ever you go. Joshua 1:9

Leave fear high and dry. Trust that every river is an essential portion of the journey you were made to travel. Wade through pain and hardship towards a place that fear cannot go.

It isn’t suppose to be clean and painless. We are not meant to know what awaits us on the other side of each river. We were only meant to trust that whatever is over there, is worth crossing for.  

Fear Year

Highs and Lows, oil on paper

Highs and Lows, oil on paper

All year long there have been memes generating about the year of holy terror. The year when we all became fat alcoholics. The year we don’t have to take off our pajamas for work; when we see no friends, go to no restaurants; the year we had no idea what to hang our hats on because not a living soul had experienced anything quite like this. The year we feared it all because it was all unknown. At the end of the day, is there anything scarier than not knowing what to brace for? 

I write about fear a lot. Fear is human nature, and we often let it drive how we carry out our lives. We fear loss and pain. There is fear of being judged, fear of failure, regret, shame. But, this is the year we sat on the hard, cold concrete floor with our fear of the unknown.

We are over the halfway mark in the year 2020. We’ve been sitting with fear for quite a while and our asses are getting numb and bruised. We are ready to get up, stretch our legs and feel normal again. We are over it. But, as we get further into this sit in with fear, the more I realize it may not be the year that sucked. This is the year that was slow and weird, but has it sucked, like really sucked like some of your other years; the years when you not only sat with your fear of regret, fear of pain, fear of loss but you faced the actual thing you fear?

What is your greatest fear? Common question. My answer is usually the same. It’s weird but true: Regret. I fear that I’ll miss my opportunities. I am afraid of not making the most of my life. I fear laziness. I fear mediocrity. I fear I’ll miss my chance to make my life everything it has the potential to be.

In 2019 I faced my fear of regret. I expanded my business and opened my own gallery. That would be a peak, right? Not so fast… Because when I set out to create a bright space to display my art, my products and run my business, I got stuck in a retail rabbit hole and began free falling. So many options, like when Alice falls down the hole with everything swirling around her. My life’s top priorities got left behind as distractions. There were not enough hours in the day. I worked as much as possible just reaching out grabbing whatever I could tackle in no organized method. I spent hours traveling and working on and towards useless things. In doing that, I lost time that I will never get back. I looked into my fear-of-regret’s face, and what I recognized is that this ‘fear of lost opportunity’ is scrappy and run down. Being afraid of laziness resulted in me overcompensating to the brink of burn out.

Fear is a tricky little jack ass. Which fears are valid fears? Facing my fear taught me about valid fear versus irrational fear.  I didn’t realize that this fear of regret has two heads, two faces. That’s when the heart comes in with that list of priorities it keeps. The only opportunities I should be afraid of missing out on are the ones that involve my heart.

In August of 2018, I was about to deliver my third child... without an epidural. I was trusting an inexplicable tug I felt in my heart even though many people would say it was completely unnecessary. I had no other reason to choose this more painful way except that there was this need in my heart. I know now that this inclination was a kind of challenge. God wanted me to face the kind of raw pain I feared, the kind that I had never conceived of, much less experienced. Me and my creative mind went into some dark places during this face to face encounter with pain. I’ll never forget experiencing those last brutal contractions as if my body was digesting a knife. That disturbing analogy repeatedly emerged behind my closed eyes, until the involuntary screaming started; screaming in a way my lungs had never vibrated before, at the very moment she emerged into this world.  I completed the assignment. It was a wildly raw confrontation with pain, but I know why I had to do it. I’ll never be the same person I was before. I’ll never again waste time fearing pain and discomfort when something so amazing is on the other side of it. 

In 2019 I looked into the face of loss. The face was my sister’s. I sat helplessly while she delivered a stillborn baby. We sobbed in heartbreak not only for the person we would never get to know, but because I knew my sister’s heart was crumbling. The worst part of watching someone you love feel such tremendous loss is not being able to do a damn thing to get them through it. The core of me ached to trade places with her. I wanted to do all of the hard things she didn’t seem strong enough to take. But, I couldn’t do that. She did it herself. And, she came out the other side. She faced the loss, and now, she handles her life with the kind of faith and perseverance that only someone who has faced unmasked loss can possess. She is strong and sturdier at heart and she knows she is capable of enduring difficult things. Every blessing is that much brighter now. 

Some years we look, not at the fear, but at the face of the actual thing we fear. We take off the mask and see what it is really like. We sit, not with the fear of pain, but the actual pain itself. We get face to face with it. We feel it. We experience it. And, we get the sores and the bruises. And then, when it’s over, we get up off the floor, and we walk away from it with a different stride. We are not paralyzed by the fear and mystery of the masked version because we’ve seen what’s behind it. 

2020 is the year of fear. It is also the year of masks. The year of the unknown. We are not even sure what to be afraid of exactly. Covid might just be here to show us what happens when we sit with fear for too long. Covid is showing us what it’s like to live in fear, paralyzed and masked. Fear is restricting and limiting. Fear is boring and lonely. Fear sucks out the good and makes room for all of the bad that hasn’t even happened yet. Fear sucks. 

On creative fear, Elizabeth Gilbert wrote “Basically, your fear is like a mall cop who thinks he’s a navy SEAL: He hasn’t slept in days, he’s all hopped up on Red Bull, and he’s liable to shoot his own shadow in an absurd effort to keep everyone “safe”. 

So is this really the year that sucked? Or is it the fear that sucked? Facing actual pain and loss is what sucks, but the fear of it?…that’s just a pain in the ass and a waste of valuable time. Fear sits you on the floor when you could be living your life. Don’t take my word for it, just turn on the news. You’ll be sitting on your hard kitchen floor in no time, terrified to leave the house. 

For many families, 2020 may be like my 2019; regret, loss and sadness in the flesh. But many of us are just getting cabin fever from living too long in a year of fear. We have been sitting with fear on the god damn concrete floor and our asses are getting sore and numb. We are over it. But this long, tedious sit with fear has shown us just how it effects us.

We don’t have all of the options this year, but what we do have are choices. We can sit on the floor scared and pissed, or we can stand up and stretch our legs, and live within the life we have right now. And if pain and loss come to the door, we open it and face it and experience it and let it be what it is and change us into who we are meant to become. Not a minute sooner will we waste time, sitting on the floor waiting for a knock at the door. There is a life we are to be living even within the realm of social distancing. It may not be the life you were used to before this year, but it may be closer to the life you were meant for. 

2020 was the year I stopped trying to wear all the hats and just became me; an artist who sees color and light in everything. I am a 35 year old woman who has three amazing, healthy and very energetic young children, a loving husband who helps us all appreciate the simple ways of life; a house full of people who make me laugh and smile and also cry and yell, but I thank God for them on repeat. I am a writer who loves to use words to build and brighten others up. I am a daughter and daughter in law, a sister and a sister in law, and I am a loyal friend to a handful of people. I even have some hobbies for the first time in…ever. I work in my yard and I ride my bike, and I even paint murals on the walls of my house just because I can. I listen to music all the time and I read inspiring books (whoa that’s a new one!), and I cook for my family more often remembering that I used to really enjoy cooking before I was “too busy”. It is once again a creative and relaxing way to end the day. And, it feels good to fill up the people I love. (Ok, I’m not this positive about making dinner every night.)

We have so much to be cautious and wise about in this life, but fear is something else. God makes it pretty clear that fear is not part of His plan for us. This world may be a scary place, but faith keeps the fear out, and my heart is my favorite way to keep all that organized.

In 2020 God is still good. This year my sister had another baby, and so did our very good friends; a baby we have been praying for over the past decade! In 2020 I found focus and my own permission to be “lazy”. I found such a strong sense of purpose that I can use it to filter out useless busy work. In 2020 I realized, there actually are plenty of hours in the day to do just the right amount of things. 

This year I sat on the cold hard floor with that pathetic fear for a little while until my ass was numb and sore. So I got up because I ain’t got time for that. I’ve got dinner in the oven. 

The Noticers


Why are some of us called to create? Isn’t art just frivolous? What’s the use of art? Artists don’t serve. We don’t heal or protect or provide. Why make art?

I was taking a walk with an artist friend in college the first time I asked that question. I would continue to ask myself the same one for the next 15 years.

Creative people are designed with unique awareness.  I am an artist, a noticer. I am a looker and a listener, a thinker and a processor. I am aware of my surroundings and feelings, and I consider why I have them. I’ve had my eyes and ears and my heart open for the majority of my life, ready to be inspired. That openness allows me to see what some leave in the dark. Before the artist has even picked up her tool or instrument, she has already been chosen to see things differently. But, the vision isn’t for personal gain. This gift of sight is for the artist to use, so that others may see, too. 

PERSPECTIVE; the art of noticing.

Early this summer I began to notice hawks everywhere I looked. I swear! Hawks. Every time I looked up and sometimes straight ahead of me. They were coming up close to perch and flying lower and nearer than I had ever seen before. It scared me a little at first. Even if someone was with me, they never saw the birds before they had flown off. Once Robert and I were riding bikes and a massive brown bird flew from a tree just above his shoulder. I noticed it, but my husband, a wildlife guy, did not see it even though he was closer and much more attuned to wild animals. That’s when I got curious. Each time I saw a hawk, I was quiet and observed. I read and learned about hawks and what they represent spiritually. It was startling to learn that the hawk strongly represents something I often consider; perspective. So, then I took what I learned about the hawk, and I used it to draw and paint, to create and to share. I’ve been working with this material for several weeks. Since I began exploring the hawk through my work, I have not seen one hawk. Not one. 

Six months ago my world was wildly spinning past me, and now it’s a slower sight. It turns slow enough that I catch a glimpse of things l hadn’t noticed when it was whizzing by, like hawks coming closer. Slow enough that I have been able to read, work in my yard, have picnics with my children, cook, bake, write, and, of course, paint. I keep checking my calendar, though, because I’m certain I am forgetting something. 

When the world turned upside down this spring, I made some changes to my work life to slow the spinning before all the parts flung off. But, somehow it surprises me that the changes were effective. I feel funny not spinning. It’s a good funny. Relieving for sure. Turns out, it was that simple to slow the eff down. Me-n-my business are a living and thriving proof it can be done. I stepped out of the spinning and realized I was dizzy from trying to focus on too many things A change in perspective let me see it for myself.   

INTUITION; the art of hearing the heart

Intuition is my jam! I am a conceptual artist; an abstract expressionist. I create through intuition, therefore, I have to stay close to it. When I paint, I am connected to something I can only describe and understand to be God. I believe that He speaks to me as I paint, but I don’t hear His voice with my ears, it’s a sound in my heart. I think He finds me painting because that’s what He sent me here to do. I even believe He creates tricky situations in my life to protect me from loud distractions. He shows up with challenges for all of us in ways we can’t understand, but deep under the suffering, there is buried purpose. We have to be looking for it, though, and sometimes it’s hard as hell to see. God keeps me painting so that I can feel around in the dark. Intuition guides me to what I may miss otherwise. 

Artistic talent is often called a gift, but the truth is, it’s more like a tool. You see, the job of an artist is to use this intuition, this clarity of heart. We have to use the light like a lantern. It is not only for the artist’s benefit. The talent comes to one but, it is intended to be shared with many. Here lies the importance of trusting intuition and creating art from that deep, honest place. This is where a cycle begins turning. When one creative impulse inspires another; when one flame lights the next.

INSPIRATION; passing the light

While artists are inspired, they are also here to inspire. Artists are very good at seeing, but they also help you to see, encourage you to look. The artist inspires you to recognize what may otherwise go unnoticed. 

My art is inspired by other artists; musicians, writers, painters…. 

I always listen to music as I paint. I like singer/songwriters who create music from the ground up. The grittier the better. I want to hear heart. Lyrics lead my thoughts as I paint like a beaten path leads through a massive forrest. The light of music guides my wandering mind and lets me hear things I may have missed otherwise. 

I am inspired by writers. The way words can be arranged to sooth and flirt with your perspective. Words can be put together in such a way that you see and hear ordinary, unpleasant things in a warm and comfy light. 

Earlier this year I read The Alchemist. I couldn’t wait to live my life with the perspective I had gained from this book. The spirit this timeless story carries elevated me through this spring. That perspective inspired me to look at the challenge at hand as another step down my path. Each test is another opportunity to get closer to the light. 

“My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer,” the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky.

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.” 

- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

  I am now reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle. I had to put it down after a chapter called “Know”. I put it down because I was stunned and giddy with inspiration. I needed to explore something that had been swimming around in my deep, quiet intuition.

Her words let me know that other people experience what I tap into as I paint, but they get to it differently. She taught herself to find “the knowing” by sitting quietly in her closet where she was still enough to hear and feel. She describes dropping within herself into a deep “silent chamber” where she discovers “liquid gold”. 

“What I have learned (even though I am afraid to say it) is that God lives in this deepness inside me. When I recognize God’s presence and guidance, God celebrates by flooding me with warm liquid gold.”

-Glennon Doyle, Untamed

In my words, I have described that same deep understanding as intuition; the light. Her analogy of warmth is what connected me to the sensation. I know that warmth. It is a feeling of awareness; an understanding of yourself in the big picture; it’s purpose. And, it is mystical. Her words inspired me to share my own. When she acknowledged that it felt weird to say that out loud, she made me do it, too. Her words guided me to say out loud what I had not even let myself acknowledge. She led me to say what I may not have otherwise said. And, here it is: 

These hawks, I believe they are messengers. They were sent to startle me (us) awake. To open my eyes and ears, and get closer to something that intimidates me. They came to inspire. They came to show me the power of perspective. They are telling me to get closer to the light; ushering me to fly into it, unafraid. 

Today, as I was painting, the words of a song inspired me to think about those birds again, but this time, I felt that deep down tug of intuition, that guide, needing me to hear this:

“And I know, you're afraid of falling flat

And I know, those walls are up against your back

And I know, there are those who'd see ya crack

But I know that you're stronger than that”

                                                              - Bahamas “Stronger Than That”

This guide was yanking me down a path. The hawks had set me on a trail to discover something, but this was a different direction. So I leaned a little, and I walked it… I scribbled down in my sketchbook a note that says: 

“The hawk isn’t afraid of falling to the ground. He flies as he was made to fly, but he comes down to rest and to observe. When he comes down, he isn’t falling; he is building strength and focusing. He doesn’t fly ’til he falls. The hawk is stronger than that.”  


This summer the hawk came to me repeatedly until I acknowledged him. In noticing these hawks, I became inspired to look carefully at every scenario, to be wise, to be strong, intentional and intuitive, rather than complicated and overworked. The hawk uses his perspective and intuition to tell him when to fly and when to perch. It may seem like calculated patience, but an animal is nothing but simple intuition. He is acting instinctively saving his energy for the opportunities that deliver. He is not flying constantly either, nor does he busy himself by running around on foot all damn day. The hawk has wings that allow him to soar in a light filled sky. He is a noticer. He is a visionary.  He is inspired by his unique perspective and fueled by his intuition. He is an artist, a musician, a writer.

I pause at that last paragraph to make a note in my sketchbook. It’s a painting title I may use. I jot down: “Fly in the Light”. Just as I handwrite those words, thunder booms loudly, without any rain for introduction.  The connection is lyrical. That could have been a kick drum. It was like all these crazy world events, deep reflections, books, songs and bizarre hawk sightings, all just came together. It all just caught a beat, and with that thunderous drum sound, a song fell in sync. Life and art in harmony. It’s all connected.

I look out my studio window from my desk. It’s raining now. A slow but persistent turtle has crawled from a bush and is crossing the driveway. She must be heading for a stronger shelter from the storm. At this particular moment, I feel a stirring sensation that this turtle is another animal coming to me. She wants me to know something, learn something…write something. I immediately google, “turtle spirit animal”. I can’t help myself. I’m addicting to knowing stuff like this now. I believe in it, too. 

I learn that “The turtle totem wisdom teaches us about walking our path in peace and sticking to it with determination and serenity.”  The turtle encourages us to take a break in our “busy lives and look around or within….”.

Path, Busy, Look, Within: These are all important words in this essay. That little tortoise just came by with a wink and a fist pump…. ’n off she went. I am inspired to stay on my path, this new, more peaceful one. Because that’s where I really began to notice things.

As an artist, I have found myself moved by many things, but the inspiration I never saw coming was a bird of prey with no color or significant meaning to me otherwise. However, my calling as an artist is to notice and work with everything I am given, to obey every tug in my heart and every sense of inspiration whether I hear it, see it or feel it.  Each time I trust, each time I surrender with obedience to 'the tugs’, each time I’m willing to seem like the town crazy lady accepting messages from spirit animals, I find that I have been tested. The reward for completing each faithful test has been a great one. It is not an answered prayer or a material blessing. It is the most rewarding sensation yet; fulfillment. It is a warm glowy light flooding my bones letting me know I am fulfilling my life’s very purpose. I am called to create, to fly in the light, painting what I feel, and writing what I know.

As it turns out, we, the artists, the noticers, we are here to serve, to heal, to protect. We do provide. Whether the light glows or glares, we bear the brightness. When we paint through pain, and sing in sorrow, we trap truth and honor it. We make lanterns out of the light we find. The light shifts perspectives, heals hurt and hate, opens eyes. Art serves sensation to solid rock souls and protects hearts from callusing. When hope burns out, we sense a flicker. We provide the light, and we pass it.

I have woken up in the middle of the night. My husband is away for work, and I am alone in the dark, awake with my eyes closed. In the deep, silent pit of me, I feel that wordless voice answer my question drawing me to a deeper conclusion:

You cannot hide the light you have noticed. That, is why you make art.

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:14-16

The "Memory" Pattern

wearing the “Memory” scarf

wearing the “Memory” scarf

A little background behind my new pattern and what it represents. Y’all know I can’t just paint pretty colors and call it a day… everything I create has its purpose.

I’ve been dabbling in textile designs over the past year- easing myself into this field. I am still figuring out how to take on textiles in my own way; pairing a rhythmic style of painting with the same depth and purpose I express in my art. I’ve enjoyed working on patterns. Creating for pattern is a new way to paint. I’m playing with color combos, scales and shapes. They’re on papers, scrap canvases and many walls in my house. Of all the patterns I’ve made so far, I have not yet loved one like I love “Memory”. When I painted this design, I was moved by the color combinations and sensed a concept in those colors. The mix was moving and striking but soft, too.  I titled it “Memory”. 

Time has a way of softening a memory; it pales the harshness. Time can make a memory more pleasant than the full reality that it was. Having a newborn is hard, exhausting and stressful at times, but the memory of your newborn baby is mostly nostalgic, soft and sweet. 

“Memory” was painted before we knew what pivotal experiences were in store for us. I find myself hopeful that in time, the memory of spring of 2020 will be a moving and striking one, but soft at the same time. I hope to find myself looking back with nostalgia on the days when we changed gears and did more of the good stuff. We listened to a lot of music. We had margaritas on the porch. We got more rest. We went crabbing and fishing. We took many walks and bike rides, and I started to enjoy cooking  again  We came up with 150 nicknames for “Josephine”. My children would watch me paint, and I’d talk to them about how I make art. I hope I won’t clearly remember the vibrant tantrums, and quick tempers, the fits and the fights and the looming fear of the uncertainty. I have a feeling it will be memorialized as that spring when we got to know what really matters in our hearts, how we want to spend our time. It will be the spring we when we got to know our babies as the little people they were becoming. That spring that was a striking challenge, but as a memory it will be nostalgic, soft and sweet.

This pattern, “Memory”, is more than a mix of nice colors around your neck. It represents the forgiveness of time. 

(currently “Memory” is available as a scarf and a zipper bag which can purchased here. It has plans though! Stay tuned)

Respect the Process


So many emotions are stirred up during the process of creating a single painting. You’d think being a painter would be such relaxing and mellow career. Sometimes it is…. I suppose. But, each and every painting I complete sends me through the ringer. It is a cycle of emotions. It’s occurred to me that the process is a lot like birthing, nurturing and raising a little person. Ridiculously trying, but absolutely rewarding at the end of the day.  

When I start a painting, it’s exciting and new, and then, I get tired and confused. I have high moments of encouragement and accomplishment only to follow with a new challenge to resolve. Every painting is like a therapy session with myself. Every painting challenges me to get out of my own head and think with my heart. My heart doesn’t know the principles and elements of design or how to mix color, so I have to revisit my head throughout the process, careful not to stay there too long, for the critics in my head are very mean…Back to the heart where forgiveness and openness live. Can you see how it is an internally exhausting practice? And if you’re a parent, it may sound all too familiar. 

Being a mom is a lot like being an artist. That must be why motherhood has inspired my art more than anything else ever has. Both roles involve creating something totally new. Both take heart and soul and guts….so much guts…boldness and reliance on faith and trust. Both roles require a tricky combination of head and heart, and will lead you to question everything about yourself and even push you to a tearful breaking point before it’s all said and done. The middle stage of a painting is a nurturing experience. It’s a delicate process of preserving what you have already accomplished while also building on new layers and developments, careful not to disturb what is meant to be; careful not to listen to the critic in the head (and ears).

Do you ever feel like it’s all suppose to be easier? Isn’t there a point when we have all this figured out, and maybe we just get to coast for a bit? We're always like “I just gotta get through this week, and everything will be better.” But the next week comes with new things to tackle and overcome. The thing is, the hard stuff is hard for a reason. The challenges we work and struggle to overcome are not useless. They come with a result of one kind or another. 

This series of paintings is about building on firm foundations. My own most solid foundation came from my dad. He really drove this one home…My sister and I even laugh about how often he told us this, but then again, here I am living it out every day and sharing this with you, too, so it looks like he knew a little something about repetition. His big, main life lesson was honesty; the importance of being honest with yourself.

Flash-forward 25 years, and my big, main thing with my own children is respect. Respect is both a noun and verb. You can have it, and you can do it, and so there is no excuse for it not to exist in some form.

Parenting puts us through the ringer. I get tired. I get confused. I have high moments of encouragement and accomplishment only to follow with a new challenge to resolve. Every day is like a therapy session with myself. Every day challenges me to get out of my own head and think with my heart. In the end I return to foundations; the ones my Daddy gave me, to be honest with myself, and the ones I feel that God gave me; respect others and myself. Returning to these foundations is what helps me to parent with my heart and not my head which too often tells me what I “ought” to do.

Just as we selectively choose elements to focus and build on when creating art, we can focus on key elements to help us raise our young children, even the fiery ones. By the third child, I am a more chill mom than I was with my first, but that is still not that chill. I have to stay on my own ass reminding myself not to dwell on the little things…some things are just not worth the battle, and in the end, they don’t matter. I also have an old fashioned parenting style that I am learning to mix with a little contemporary “you do you, kid”. Instead of focusing on all the ‘shoulds’ of the old ways, I am working to focus on building the foundations that really count, that always have and always will, regardless of time period and parenting style. I’m focused on raising them to always remember one really important thing. My repeating words may just be background noise to them now, but I trust that one day, they will actually find themselves applying it. Maybe even teaching their own children the same thing. Hell, maybe they’ll even be writing about it too!

My base coat in parenting is respect. Everybody deserves respect. Remembering to ‘have respect for yourself’ is sometimes as difficult as ‘being honest with yourself’, but both are important to understand as early as possible, and you’re never too old to learn, either. Respect is a character trait they can forever count on and return to. Even when life puts us through the ringer, when we find ourselves in that whirlwind cycle of emotions and worries, that foundation is always there. It’s a structure you can come home to every time.

To my children,

Here it is in writing for you to always know and keep:

Respect others, and respect yourself.  Respect that everyone is different because that was God’s plan. Respect yourself by not letting anyone tell you who you should be or how you should live your life. Respect yourself by never letting anyone belittle you or make you feel inadequate and do the same for others. Respecting yourself by not allowing anyone to take advantage of you; have a backbone and keep boundaries. Know when and how to respectfully speak up for yourself. Respect yourself by doing your best; aim for results that make you proud. Respect yourself by knowing what makes you happy and what does not. This is your one and only life and no one else’s. You best respect it. 

Through Thick & Thin


This essay has been idly saved on my computer for a month. I wrote this in November. Today is December 28th. I did not post the original version last month because I was afraid. But with a new year around the bend, I decided once again not to let fear of humility stop be from being transparent and honest in order to give others a sense of support and encouragement. We all go through thin times in all areas of life, not just in business. This is intended to be applied to anyone on anything. So, to keep this in real-time,I’ve added my current understandings throughout the essay. The indented paragraphs are a way of showing you my growth through hardship. This post is about the importance of faith and heart through thick and through the hard, thin times. 

(Novemeber 2019) Yesterday I painted while listening to a podcast called The Business Boutique with Christy Wright. Usually I work with music on, but I’m really into this podcast right now and for good reason. I’ve been in need of clarity.

When I completed the two paintings I was working on while I was listening to this podcast, I named them “Through Thick and Thin I & II”. The titles are in reference to what I was feeling as I painted and what I was working through by listening to this podcast. 

While working from thin layers of paint to thick cushiony coats made by my palette knife, I began to think about going through thick and thin times. Right now, I am pushing my heart to stay faithful through a unfamiliar and uncertain time in my business; a thin time. When I say “thin” I mean the times when we struggle, and “thick” as the times when we feel comfortable. It occurred to me that what we don’t often hear people sharing about are their thin times while they experience their thin times. We usually wait until things are all plushy thick to share about our challenging past. We hear and read success stories told in the past tense and in a specific tone. I totally write this way, too. It’s theI grew from this, and you can, too” kinda talk.  And, while it is really inspiring to hear those stories knowing the person came out good and well in the end, I wondered, what would it mean to hear someone talk about tough times while they experienced them? With that said, we don’t get inspired hearing others complain and sulk. No, this would need to still be a hopeful and inspiring approach. What would it be like to read another’s vulnerable hopefulness without already knowing everything turns out for them? Would it encourage other people to invest more in their own heartfelt hopes if they knew other people, even the bold ones, feel those nervous feelings, too?

This year I’ve had a lot of kind well-wishers congratulating me on my “success", and each time, I am repeatedly left with a blank stare….because I did not realize I’d achieved success. As far as I can tell, I haven’t gotten to that part yet. I haven’t seen the thick end. I don’t even know how and when to use the word “successful” in regards to myself. My progress has been slow and steady…one heart-driven step at a time in the direction toward my goals. And my goals still feel far away.  

While “successful” is an objective term and one I don’t yet feel fits me, I now recognize something in that last paragraph that I hadn’t noticed one month ago when I wrote it. I have actually been successfully doing one thing over my 12 years as a full time artist; growing. While success to some is a result, success can also be broken down into little successful baby steps. With every child I’ve made changes to adapt to my life as a self employed mama. And, only 4 years ago I was still running this show all alone from my tiny home studio which had no heat or air, painting under a very offensive florescent light. 4 years ago!! That’s not that long. Boy have things changed in only 4 years. But, they did not change over night. It was a series of successfully taking bold but nerve-wracking steps. Fear or no fear; I took the steps. Today I paint in my renovated home studio, and I own a gallery, and I employ and work with 5 bad ass ladies. All that's not to say I’ve achieved success, but it is to say I have grown. It says that I am capable of doing things that scare me, things that make me uncomfortable. 

(Back to November me:)  I am struggling with and learning about how to run this new business I have created, and I am telling you that I am currently in a thin place as we speak. And, later, down the road a little, we will see the outcome of my latest ventures. While of course I hope it leads to some kind of payoff, I know that it could lead to something I have not expected or planned for. 

Whether it leads to financial success or not, it will lead me somewhere and that means I am still making progress. I am continuing to grow. And that recognition lets me be free of that “fear of failure” everyone talks about because even when we think we’ve failed we still gain something.

As a part of my calling to be a bright spot, I want to tell people when things are tough because that’s the truth.  I can’t inspire others by only showing them the pretty parts, the outcomes worth bragging on.  It is not authentic to lead others to believe it’s all just peaches and cream. The truth is we have to serve ourselves the thin, watery grits before we get to the rich, hearty meals. We have to show God that we trust the plans He has placed in our hearts and that we are willing to make sacrifices and work our asses off to fulfill them. Yes I just cussed and said God in the same sentence…that’s just me….I’ve got this gritty faith. 

Mignon Francois was the guest on that particular episode of Business Boutique I was painting to yesterday. Her story is remarkable. She was truly scraping the bottom of the thin times when she chose to put faith out front. She found that when she was willing to listen to God and follow His instructions with no questions, God was handing her His directions which led her to save her family from poverty and go on to create a very successful bakery biz, The Cupcake Collection. Her walk through faith in business is what struck me. Because I have also given in to that blind trust. 

You’re probably hoping I’ll spell out exactly what I’m struggling with in my business. Well, where do I start? It’s about money, mom guilt, exhaustion, burnout…. It’s having high hopes and big plans, but not enough time or money to make it happen as fast as I’d like it to. In 2019 I put so much trust and invested so much money and time in what I felt in my heart. I’ve also worked my ass off this year. And now, as I await the holiday season, I am left wondering if it will all have been worth it; if people will understand and support this unique business model. I’m actually starting to question everything I have been so focused on and excited about and sure of. My anxiety about the future has hit me hard lately. A few nights ago, after I put the children to bed, I found myself crying my eyeballs out at the kitchen counter completely overwhelmed and insecure. Robert, who has put total trust in my vision, pieced me back together and reminded me that we work from the ground up. This year has been hard. It’s been thin. But, I won’t lose my focus. I won’t lose my trust in a heartfelt vision. I have the mentality that if someone else has done it, then so the hell can I. So I keep working and pushing and digging deeper than I ever have before. Because I believe that what it comes down to is our willingness to get uncomfortable. That willingness shows God that we trust His purpose for our life, and we are willing to fulfill it.

I’m so certain God sent Mignon’s words directly into my ears yesterday…literally right into my lil EarPods. I could not ignore her words or mishear them. She verified that my hard work and efforts are not the product of naive hopefulness. I felt reassured knowing that the thick won’t come without the thin. The thin times are not comfortable, and they are not pretty. With bags under my eyes and stress pimples on my face, I can tell you that real hard work is not glamorous or polished. Great achievements come with some bitchin’ blisters. The thing is, the blisters prove you showed up to work, but they don’t guarantee achievement. Just cuz you work hard for something doesn’t mean you will be successful. Faith and heart have to be the real muscle. Faith and heart start you off with a purposeful vision, and faith and heart keep you on track moving towards the vision especially when times get thin. If I throw my shovel down now, when the dirt gets hard and my hands start hurting, I’ll show God that I’m not willing to be get uncomfortable in order to get to the good stuff; that I’m too scared of feeling the thin times; that I don’t trust Him to carry me to His thick rich blessings. 

I am beaming with pride when I look at my gallery. I created the space that I imagined, like nothing I’ve ever known of before, but that doesn’t mean that things are peaches and cream. It’s more like watery grits right now. But, despite my nerves, I stand reminded by Christy and Mignon that God does not want me to fail, but He does want to see me show up ready to work. He gave me these high hopes and thick, cushy goals.  He planted them deep in my heart. What’s in our hearts is a part of His plan- not ours. So who would we be to ignore that? He wants to see how we will work with the gifts and visions He placed in us. Just like Beyonce and Jeff Bezos and Tory Burch, He gave me two hands, too…. and a heart and a vision…and a hell of a work ethic. But then, I also have this gritty faith… the kind that dares me to see what happens if I fully trust those tugs in my heart. This gritty faith dares me to walk myself into the thin because I know that whatever happens will fit into the big picture. Even the drive to write this essay and share my vulnerabilities and fear with you has a purpose. Are these words serving you like Christy’s and Mignon’s  served me? I can only hope so. Because one thing that Mignon Francois said that has stuck with me is that we can’t acquire a lesson on faith and then leave it on the side of the road to be abandoned and wasted. I loved hearing her say that because it gave purpose to me sharing the words I write. It gave purpose to everything I have done in this last hard, thin year. 

How will the story turn out? We don’t know, yet. You don’t get to hear how it turns out yet because I don’t know the result yet either. You only know that I’m on the thin end. I’ve invested a great deal… not only my money, but my time, my energy and my sanity, and that last one might be lost for good. It’s made me humble and grateful for every single sale of To Be a Line and every single visitor who strolls through Sarah Otts Gallery. All this is to say that everything I do is to fulfill my heart which tells me to be a bright spot, to do what I love and share it, too. Times are thin now, but I know there’s purpose through thick and through thin.

For Christmas this year, I gave my 8 year old daughter a journal with a pretty little graphic cover that says “Beautiful girl, you can do hard things.” Because I’ve decided, what holds us back, what we’re actually afraid of, isn’t failure, we are afraid of doing hard things and feeling thin times. Have courage in knowing that the God of Hope wants to carry us through it all.

Listen to Christy Wright’s Business Boutique 

Episode 86. “Be More Confident By Believing in Yourself”

Featuring the oh so inspiring Mignon Francois, The Cupcake Collection.

Mini Post: Generations by Design


Mini posts: for when I have a little something to say.

The back of my book, To Be a Line, shows you the reason I wrote this book: the next generation. 💓💓💓

I think a lot about the irony on social media; the things it may do for and against this next generation. I work to use social media as positively as possible. When opening up to the entire world is as easy as turning the camera around and tapping a button called “SHARE”, users are sharing more than we were ever comfortable sharing before- we are becoming comfortable with vulnerability. I used to worry that my children’s gen was totally screwed. By the time they are fully raised within this culture, I worried we would be looking at a whole world of narcissists, but I’m starting to think about that differently.... as long as people keep opening up and sharing. 

With my book and posts, I hope to keep the conversation ongoing about what makes me ME and what makes you YOU in order to give us more US. .

This book was written for the next generation; a group of people who might end up being more willing to accept who they are (and God willing, who others are) than my generation and certainly gens before that because of their ability to connect with people all around the world. This new technology driven existence we live in has been painted as a beast, but never before have we been able to connect like this, and connection let’s us feel confident about who we are. Making connections let’s us feel like the good kind of different.

“What makes you different sets you apart. It’s what makes you special. It’s what makes your mark. You are you by design. Trust in your heart and grow like a line.”

Footloose and Fancy Free At Any Age

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This may come as a shock to some, but I don’t like being told what to do and how to do it. Bah! Call me naive, but I’d like to think I can be footloose and fancy free with my own life. 

I guess I write this stuff to y’all because I worry that lots of people forget to think for themselves and make a life that they truly enjoy. I know I am not the only one because “purpose” and “living my best life” are quite the buzz words right now. I am always making points to remind others that this one span of time we spend on Earth is actually quite a short ride in the grand spectrum. 

In celebrating my mom turning 60 this month (because she likes her birthday to last all month), she kept bringing up how grateful she is to still be here with us at 60. Without even having any health scares of her own (gratefully!), she has still witnessed her share. And, in a culture when everyone sulks over and fights the aging process, I was refreshed by her perspective. We need to celebrate and fulfill each and every opportunity we have while we are here, and to me, that means finding true fulfillment in how we spend our days. I believe that’s why we are here in the first place! 

What could you do with this life you got if not for fear? What would you do if you didn’t worry? What would make you happy? Don’t say money! Money doesn’t count.

I heard a podcast recently in which a woman who was recently empty nested was discussing the blanket of sadness that some mothers experience without children at home to take care of. She had romanticized having a family and caring for her children all her life up to that point, and she felt uncertain of what came next. Feeling that portion of her life come to a close, she suddenly realized she had another half a lifetime in front of her. For some that is overwhelming, but that observation made me excited! 

What I am about to say could sound irresponsible to those financy people out there, Lord knows I’m not one of them… 

But what would you do if you weren’t so hung up on money? I am personally terrified of money.  And obviously the fear of losing it stops a lot of us from chasing out our ideal life. What if we erased money from the picture we paint of our happiest life?

Not long ago, I determined that there is just no way my daily work is about making money so I can buy shit. I mean… think about it. Most people only work to make money so they can buy cool stuff and be happy…well also to eat and live under shelter, too. We do need money to survive. I am fortunate to have a career which I love, but even I had to question; what’s the point of this? 

There is a lot of talk out there about finding a purpose in order to create a truly fulfilling life. This week I was reminded of the simplest and truest answer to the purpose question: our purpose is to serve God and love others. Always. End of story. 

First and foremost that’s all it takes to live a fulfilling life. Serve God and love others is the first and the last step every time. 

I am learning to not have fear in the unknown i.e. anxiety about the future and money. I am learning to stay close to God. I am learning that having complete faith by leaning on His guidance in all ways is leading me to where I need to be, to do the work He needs me to do. 

The first time I absolutely trusted God fully, He told me to deliver my baby with no medication. That seems irrelevant, but in that way He showed me how strong I was even through fear and pain (those words feel understated). I believe that was my intro to His “trust me and have no fear” policy. Then I continued to listen to my heart suggesting me to find a way to share with others a message. It was a message that felt like offering others a spoonful of hope. I worked hard and did a lot of self searching, painting and writing to understand what exactly that message was, and in the process I wrote a book. As I continued to explore my heart through my work as an artist and a writer, I felt the words “bright spot” continually emerge. As my work is a visual bright spot, my book and blog essays are written bright spots too. I am creating work that represents a dosage of hope. And, I am now embarking on another new and unknown journey in order to spread what has been placed on my heart, to encourage brightness in others. 

Let my art, my words and the “Be a Bright Spot” brand remind you to be focused on the right things, to consider your time here on Earth in the grand spectrum, to reflect on how your words and actions effect those around you. “Be a Bright Spot” is a spoonful of hope that I intend to scatter out into a world that tends to be dull with the dread and fear of growing old. A whole world of people who are afraid of using the time on Earth as He intended. You don’t have to become a nun to live a life for God. Hello?!?! (I’m waving my hand and laughing because I am no saint!) Having faith is to be footloose and fancy free of that kind of fear. Find joy in simplicity. Continually return to your heart for suggestions on what to do next. And, bravely trust the suggestions you find in there. Discover what it feels like to live with purpose and to have the brightest time of your life. 

what is BE A BRIGHT SPOT ?

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I want y’all to know, I am not claiming to be cheery at all times. Of course, I have days that are darker than others, and I need the reminder to look at what is right and good around me. But, I also recognize that there are folks out there who, no matter what, are going to look outward with a gloomy, cloudy perspective; the complainers, the whiners, gossipers, the people looking to pull you down with them cuz misery loves company. And, when you spend time with their dullness, it doesn’t make you feel good. It makes you feel depressed and helpless. It makes you shrink. It makes you dim your light.

Just like my abstract art, ‘Be a Bright Spot’ is up for your own interpretation. It can simply be a reminder to be hopeful and kind when at all possible. It can be an affirmation to be true to yourself; to be the most real version of you. It can be a nudge to notice the goodness in your life even when you are being slapped in the face with pain, sadness and discontentment. ‘Be a Bright Spot’ can be a reminder that real life is NOT about perfection. ‘Be a Bright Spot’ is not a charge to walk around with a stupid, fake smile on your face. It’s a wake up call to get real. It’s about enjoying your days and being grateful for who you are and what you have. It’s realizing that we live in a perpetual world of comparison and discrimination, mean girls and bullies (at all ages), and godforsaken mass shootings. There is plenty of dullness out there which you do not have to look for to notice. But, it is ironically hard sometimes to notice the brightness. So go ahead… Be a Bright Spot. It won’t do you any harm, but it may do someone else a lot of good.

Soft to a Point


All my life I have been told that I was soft spoken. In the 7th grade I was humiliated in class by a teacher for not speaking loud enough. I was shy and quiet ….until I wasn’t. There came a point when I realized shy was no longer working for me. So I was like, “Efff being shy.” Well, I didn’t actually say that in the 7th grade. No way. Not only quiet, I was naive and a rule-follower. I would never have said  THE  F-word, but now that I’m a grown adult, I say that when I have reached a certain point; “Fuck it.” Here’s the deal... I know that’s a pretty sharp tone right off the bat, and you’re expecting some softer language from me, but that’s what I’m here to discuss. The real honest truth can seem surprisingly sharp when you are expected to be soft. 

My Dad taught me that “first you have to be honest with yourself before you can be honest with anyone else.”. He was always finding a way to inject that lesson into all kinds of circumstances. I have grown up with that foundation, and in many ways it has made me who I am. It is the same advice I give to my own children. It is the same message that comes across in my children’s book, and it’s essentially what I am discussing in all of my work, but most definitely in my recent series of art informally known as the “Efff It” series of 2019.

The first title for this series, “Tending the Garden", was in reference to caring for one’s sense of purpose, but the truth is, this artwork was also tangled up with some strong emotions. Painting always lets me be honest with myself in a raw kind of way. While painting this series of work I realized something. I was being soft and malleable by going along with someone else’s way. By being an agreeable rule-follower, I was being hesitant, unwilling to be brave and bold. The thing is, I’ve been working hard to pave my own path. Did I forget that applies in my work too? Was I afraid to find my own way? Was I afraid to be honest with myself?

It’s really easy to get stuck in a train of thought or a rhythm of how things are done without realizing that it’s not working for you. Often times we take the beaten path because it’s soft and smooth, but that is not the only route. There is no right or wrong way to go about your life…within moral and healthy reason. What I am saying is, we can only go with flow for so long until we realize it’s not working….we can be soft, but only to a point. 

Originally, I gave the series that smooth poetic name- I guess because I thought that was what you’d want me to say. “Tending the Garden” is pretty and relevant, but then it lacked the powerful and honest emotion that this art was carrying. I was not shy about letting you know that I really wanted to name the series, “Fuck It”. I was venting that day when I posted those strong words on Instagram. I had finally realized that I had been through a year of learning what it takes to truly find my own path and trust my own heart. It was not an easy year either, but I grew in ways I didn’t know I was capable of. So, why had I stopped short of bravely trusting my heart in this one area? That sharp tone was my way of saying “I am ready to do this my way.” I suppose that was the first step to opening my own gallery, but all I knew at that point was- I was about to change things up. 

I was uncertain of what my Instagram audience would think of me when I busted out loud and proud with the F word in that post. What was I getting myself into?  Who did I think I was talking like that? These are the people who read my posts about soft tender things, like my heart and God. It seemed like a contradiction, but all I knew is that I wanted to be totally truthful and these honest emotions, sharp as they were, seemed to step up and take over. Some people were probably offended by my choice of words. Many were probably taken back. But, then, maybe some found it to be refreshing and real. Maybe I’m not the only one who is relieved when someone doesn’t censor themselves so much. I like to hear people speak genuinely and passionately even when it comes across as shocking …sharp. I admire someone who owns the honest truth of themselves, no apologies and a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. Because isn’t that the truth? You can’t please everyone so you might as well be real. Take it, or leave it. Plus, I can always tell when someone is holding back those explosive words for the sake of not offending anyone, and I just want to be like, “Go ahead- say what you need to say!”. Those words are loaded with emotion, and sometimes they hold everything you need to express in four little letters. 

Many people responded to my “Fuck It” post, but not the way I anticipated. I waited for my following to drop and to get a finger-shaking talking-to by at least one holier than Thou individual. But, that did not happen. Maybe I was being paranoid, and that’s nothing new. What I got was a whole lot of reenforcement. Turns out, there are other people like me thinking, “Go ahead- say what you need to say!”.

You know those times when you felt too modest to be honest, and then, when someone else comes out with the same thing- you’re like: “Oh ma’ gah! ME TOO!!! I thought it was just me!?” And then you feel relieved that you aren’t the only one with that thought. Being honest with yourself is an essential step, but it’s the easiest one, too. Finding the confidence to let others know about your sharpest edge is another story, especially when the expectation is to be soft. Not only was it hard for me to be honest with myself in this case, it was even harder for me to be a level of real that would surprise some, but when I did it anyway, it showed me something. Speaking the honest truth let’s another modest and soft-spoken person say, “OMG me too!”. Being honest with yourself is great, but the good stuff is letting your outward honesty strike up another person’s courage to be honest, too. 

See, I have a strict policy for the way I represent myself on social media. My policy comes down to being completely and totally real….as real as possible, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to be loud and proud and real.  It’s actually extremely uncomfortable at times. Because this is about being totally honest, I’ll tell you that my biggest worry with social media is that I’ll be mistaken as vain. Probably has something to do with the whole talking at myself in my phone screen routine. Or, the pretending I am talking to an audience bit, when I’m actually looking at my own face. Or, maybe it’s taking selfies and photos of myself on a timer. That younger generation has this shit down to a science with no complex issues, but that’s a discussion for another day. I do all these things, and it’s awkward AF, and if you do this stuff too, I’d find it hard to believe if it doesn’t make you self conscious. But, even though it’s uncomfortable, and I risk seeming vain, I do it anyway, so that I can be relatable and stay connected with the people who are interested. I share my art and my words to be an encourager, a bright spot, to be the voice that speaks out so that you can be the one to say “OMG me too!”. 

There is such a thing as going too far; revealing too much; being too real. I was positive I was dancing on the line with that F bomb dropping vent. So, you may have watched as I tinkered back and forth unsure of whether I felt comfortable using this sharper voice with my entire audience. I seem to save that voice for my closest peeps- the voice sprinkled with words fit for a sailor, when I totally let loose everything thats buggin’ me. It was kind of a bratty WHINE. It was, and the soft-spoken 7th grader, that in part I still am, is kind of mortified, but the determinate hard candy shell of me says: I want to be bold and brave and real as hell, even if it makes them (and me) uncomfortable because I want to make a statement in doing so. So, that’s what I did because I’d rather be considered “shockingly sharp but honest” than “perfectly expected but dull”.

Here is where the irony comes in. Here’s why I am writing this piece about having an odd combination of conflicting characteristics. Because when I’m being honest with myself, I realize that everything I write is actually for my children. And now you might be sitting there going…. “Wait. You’re saying kids should cuss and rant on social media??” I know- I’m jumping around here, so before you think I am being totally cray, stick with me for a second. No- I’m not encouraging kids to use adult language or to over vocalize their discontentment on Insta. I am reminding you to be and say the truth, and the truth is:  real life, the real honest version, is full of contradictions.  Real life contradicts our expectations. It’s feeling darkness and knowing their is light. It’s being quiet and subtle inside but bold and colorful outside. It’s expecting soft but getting sharp. I want my children to know these things coexist.  I want them to grow up knowing that everything about them was perfectly designed with intention, even when it feels like they are a mess of contradictions. 

My most honest words come out when I am writing to my first audience: Lelia. My first baby was the reason I began writing like this in the first place. She was the bright spot in my life that inspired me to look inward, and find out who I honestly was. In writing to her, I found the courage to come out and say the truth. I started with a hand written journal for my 18 month old first born as a keep-sake for her and our children to come so that when they became confused adults one day, they could read my words and know that I, too, struggled and prayed my way through life. I wanted my adult children to see that I was a work in progress, that I was humble and scared but faithful. When I think about writing to my children, I find the courage to be honest. 

I’m laughing right now thinking about my little babies as grown adults reading this piece of writing, and, first, being totally shocked because I do not let them hear me say cuss words. But then also, they will see that at 34, I was still remembering my dad’s advice, and challenging myself to be honest. And, when they read all that I’ve written within this last year, they will realize that for an entire year I embraced every single inclination I felt in my heart, regardless of my fear and other’s concerning looks. They will see that I was always working to strengthen my faith and build confidence in who I am and who I was created to be, and that as a 34 year old I was still learning to accept the unique handful of character traits that make me me. I want them to see that it’s ok if you make some folks shocked and uncomfortable when you are as honest with them as you are with yourself. It’s ok if you’re not the person you are expected to be. Not only is it okay to be you, it is essential- because you are you by design. You were perfectly created to have even the most unlikely and peculiar concoction of characteristics that you find yourself to be; dark and light, quiet but bold, sharp yet soft. To be honest with yourself is to accept who God designed you to be. To be honest with others is to present the person you were designed to be. But, to be a bright spot is to be so bold in your truth that you inspire others to be all that they are and nothing they are not. If you think of someone who’s been a bright spot in your life, my guess is they are as honest with you as they are with themselves, and because of that, they make you feel pretty cute in your own weird ways. 

Thank you for that ageless advice, Daddy. 


Be beautifully bold and bright in your ways.

Trust in your heart and value your days.

Be all that you are and nothing you’re not.

Be color. Be light.

Be a bright spot. 

-Sarah Otts


“Clean Living” 48x60 oil on canvas

“Clean Living” 48x60 oil on canvas

Mini posts: for when I have a little something to say.

This is the background story for this particular painting and the thought process behind the title.

The clean living movement; it’s making quite a splash! The way I see it, it’s a direction we had to move towards because humanity as a whole has grown to live so far from our natural intention that we had no where to go but back where we came from. Our modern ways are sickening us, and sadly “healthy” living doesn’t cut it anymore. We are learning to be informed and knowledgeable, but it’s freaking exhausting and beyond overwhelming when you really get into the guts of the matter. We also can’t live in fear and paranoia so you truly have to choose which clean efforts to focus on. Which ones effect you the most?...And then add in more efforts as you learn and adapt.

Beyond the food, products, meds and so on that pertain to clean living, I got to thinking about this topic as it relates to my new series Drawing the Light. What does it mean to live with a clean perspective, free of toxic influences and even toxic people? To me that means living a life with purpose and heartfelt authenticity.

This painting was made with those thoughts swirling in my head. The shapes come at you from the dark and saturated confusing state that was the under painting. The final result, after layer upon layer, is a painting made up of natural shapes, marks and forms + contrasting tones, hues and values. A vibrant and lively representation of what it means to me to ‘live clean’; to live free of wrongful intentions; to bring the good things nature intended for us out of the dark brush and into the forefront where there is light.

Drawing the Light

Dark Before Light, 48x48 oil on canvas

Dark Before Light, 48x48 oil on canvas

Dark and light; they are frequently used metaphors. It’s the bad versus the good, the hidden and the exposed, pain and relief, sadness and joy. The list goes on. God separated dark from light. These two circumstances are clearly defined as opposites, yet one cannot be understood without knowing the other. My own darkness came in the form of restless anxiety. The light finally returned to me through painting and led me to a new series of work and some lingering questions.  Without our challenges, would our rewards be as great? Without darkness, would there be light?

Watch any musician’s documentary, and you’ll find an expressive person who has tapped into some deeply personal emotions, releasing them through his or her art. But, more often than not, the hardest part for that artist was not the actual work. The hard part was shining the light on what feels more comfortable kept in the dark. It’s the most personal feelings and the subsequent art that is so humbly created released for all to see and judge as they will. And, in just about any artistic profession, you’ll have to get over that discomfort or find a different job. What is art if not expressing true emotion? The fact is, an immensely talented person will remain unknown and unappreciated until he or she comes to terms with vulnerability. Until we are bold enough to first accept the truth and then be totally real by exposing the full spectrum of ourselves, including the shadowy struggles or insecurities, the art will lack authenticity, quality and value. Therefore, it is crucial that I accept and admit my own darkness in order to draw the light. 

My new series, Drawing the Light, is established on a revealing foundation. The art stems from from the darkness I experienced. As part of the creative process, and in order to let my work have purpose and strength, I am standing under a spotlight. It’s not to glamorize anxiety (celebrity style) nor is it attention seeking. This revelation is to describe my artwork, but it also addresses the many conversations I’ve had with women who find themselves in similar shoes, who also feel tirelessly challenged to do it all in today’s world. So, I determined, it’s time to stop pretending everything is peachy when in reality, no one is actually doing it all, even if they seem like they are on Instagram. 

I delivered my third baby, Josephine, on August 17th 2018. It was a beautiful experience that I wrote about on my last blog entry. Then, while on “maternity leave”, I allowed a seed of anxiety to plant itself. I knew I needed time to recuperate, but I wanted to get back in the studio ASAP.  In my head, I was going to pick up right where I left off. After all, it was just painting. I also knew from experience that I don’t do well when I am not painting regularly. If you’re a runner/athlete, maybe that’s a feeling you can relate to. I had determined that sometime in October would be the end of “maternity leave”. Well, that proved to be quite difficult. The whole ‘three children and a job on little to no sleep’ routine wasn’t working in my favor. (hmmm…I wonder why?!) But, I was determined, no less, and so I was back in the studio part time according to my self-assigned deadline. 

The thing is, maternity leave does not actually exist for the self employed. It’s a period of time when you are intended to be focused on the baby and your recovery, but it’s not a clean break from the job. At the same time, you can’t make a human and pretend you didn’t….especially on your third human. I tried. You can’t. So as it turns out, no matter how determined, I just could not do it all, and that’s what my darkness boiled down to. 

In hindsight, but without going into too much detail, I let anxiety grab a hold of me. By the end of November, I felt paralyzed. Then there was so much to be done with Christmas around the corner and a ton of painting to catch up on so things just continued to get worse. When the baby finally started sleeping through the night, I stopped. In addition, I felt a depressing awareness that my favorite time of year was feeling like the materialized chaotic race that defeats the purpose of Christmas. I couldn’t stand that I allowed myself to get there, but I was stuck. It was a cycle of swirling anxiety, and I could not get my hands on the light switch. I could not see in the dark.

All I needed to do was paint. Something like this happens almost every time I go without painting for too long. Art is the best form of therapy I have found. Even though I knew what I needed to do to get out of it, the darkness misconstrued self-care into selfishness. It seemed that there were just too many people counting on me. My needs were irrelevant.  And, then, it was Christmas time; the season of love that gets disguised as mass hysteria focused on so many of the wrong things. The worst time ever to be dealing with a bout of postpartum anxiety. What I needed was more time….time to paint and time to be with my family and close friends. But, time is the one thing I did not have……what with all the Christmas events and parties and school programs and shopping. (Hello? Priorities?!?!) 

I can say all this now because I have spent two weeks in my studio painting every single day for hours at a time. I feel like a new person. Thankfully, the light within me is relit. Honestly, I didn’t know how dark it had gotten in there until I used painting to turn on the switch. 

Now I’m feeding off of those challenges. The very thing that drug me out of the darkness is teaching me about why it got dark in the first place. I was/am a basic human trying to be super-human; unrealistically trying to do all the things and be all the people and fill all the needs, except my own. 

I do feel that women can play two major rolls, like provider and mother, but there is a lot in between that has to go, and so much of the stress we find ourselves under is a result of trying to fulfill unnecessary/impossible standards chased by the fear of judgement.

By the end of December, feeling like I wasn’t going to pull off Christmas as we know it, my sister said to me “2019 is the year of self-care.” She is capable of gathering the perfect handful of words like that, right when I need them. It was all she had to say to remind me that other people are struggling, too. So, here I sit, using my scarce time to write this post because we all need to hear this. We need to cut loose from impossible standards. 

What came of me trying to do it all? Nothing. I was frozen with anxiety. I lost the ability to nurse my baby. I could not even finish Christmas shopping.... not my peak year of gift giving.  I missed the whole month. My favorite month. I didn’t want to leave the house to celebrate our 9th anniversary or my (actual) 34th birthday. 

Past generations of women have had their struggles, but here we are creating our own struggle. Much of my female generation is doing a hell-of-a-lot within a short period of 24 hours which is setting the bar just out of reach, and that’s not something we need to be proud of. We gotta take a breath! We need to get better at making confident choices on what’s working and what’s not. Then, we need to pat ourselves on the back, or for that matter, let someone else pat your back. Get a freakin’ massage because we deserve it even when we can’t be everyone and everything all day, everyday. There is no reasonable reason to feel guilty or judged when we need to say “no” to parent involvement at school or sitting on a committee or attending every Saturday morning birthday party and Wednesday night church meeting. And, we do not need to have any particular excuse other than the fact that we should not have to push ourselves all the way to the limit in order to be adequate. Maybe, like me, you don’t even recognize that all of our choices are just that, a series of choices...decisions.

So, is it necessary to go through dark in order to know light? My own darkness forced me to find the light, but I’m not willing to believe that we have to fall into a dark pit in order to know where the edge is. 

Do you ever worry that you’re missing the glorious light of your life for fear of the darkness, for fear that you won’t be able to do it all and be it all? Do you think, maybe, if you safely tread in the middle grey area of the spectrum, where you know you can still play all the rolls, everything will work out better? Do you wonder how you’ll feel about all this towards the end of your life? Will you be glad you chose to do what you felt you were suppose to be doing versus what you wanted to be doing? Or will you resentfully wish you had said “to hell with it” to all that shit that brought you nothing but stress while keeping you from real contentment ...real light?

We do not have to push ourselves over the limit in order to find the happiness that we have a right to pursue. Happiness is wherever/however you find light(...within healthy and moral reason). I write this to caution you on where the darkness lies. It lies on the other side of overwhelming yourself. 

I knew going in, a third child would not be easy, but I also knew it was going to be worth it, and I simply could no longer ignore God’s suggestion that He still had another someone for our family. I had to choose; remain in the safe grey spectrum of light where I could handle it all, or take a leap of faith and listen to His voice in my heart. Yes, my choice led me to a period of darkness, but the light, such light! And, now I know the darkness was my own doing, but God alone brought me the light.

Little story; Two years ago exactly I had a surprise pregnancy that caught me totally off guard and had me freaking out with, you guessed it, anxiety. I miscarried very early and felt a surprising relief. I took my response as a sign from God that our family was complete, and we were done having babies. A few months later, with my husband’s surgery approaching to seal the deal, I fell into a pit of depression, sobbing for a week, all day, all night. My heart felt broken like the time I miscarried years before when we were trying to have a second baby. I could not explain it, or understand it. I thought I knew what I wanted, what we wanted, but God was speaking to my heart about different plans. I was mourning the loss of something He intended for us. The night before the surgery we canceled it. About 16 months later, Josephine was born, and I can’t imagine how our family could have been complete without her. This little tale was worth including as yet another example of those heartfelt tugs leading me down His path. 

I paint from that heart felt intuition. My recent art is very different than what I was creating before.  I establish layer after layer of intuitive markings that flow out of my hand like a faucet. I just draw on and on, fulfilling it all. When I start a painting, I am doing it all; anything and everything my heart wants to release onto the canvas. It’s unorganized and overstimulating like the tangle I let myself get into this past fall. Then I come back to the painting honing it into an organized composition. I make choices by eliminating what is not working and further developing what is. It’s proof that I can handle all the energy in my life right now. It’s proof that faith leads to the light. Through painting, I saw that darkness is to light, as fear is to faith; competing opposites. 

I believe that my artistic gift came with an objective that’s bigger than filling your walls with art. I have heart felt faith that these children of mine and my painting and my writing are all components of a great purpose.  On the tip my tongue, there is an alternative way to connect, support and encourage the women of our generation and anyone else who can relate. I continue to write and share, even though every time I post to my blog, I get nauseated with the paranoia of what people will think of me. Even though it feels like standing under a spot light buck naked, I have to write, and put it out there in order to keep working towards this illusive purpose.

Light is not tangible; it cannot be outlined making it hard to know exactly what it is that we are reaching for. Only in abstract art can you draw the light. I used my art to lasso the lightness pulling it closer and closer until I could reach out and feel it. In recognizing the dark, the light became something I could grasp and tug; something I could draw