Mount Up 48x48
My eagle paintings represent divine mission; a symbol of purpose. Can we consider the term divine mission for a minute? Cuz, whoa. That’s a loaded statement.
A mission is an important assignment, and divine refers to heaven sent; God intended. On the day to day, it’s hard to perceive that our lives are just that; a divine mission. Within the maze of our daily lives, are we focused on the mission? Are we taking flight?
There are eagles among us. I’m sure you can think of a few in your life. These are the ones who are flying high because they sensed that their life was an assignment, and they accepted the challenge. These are fearless leaders flying into the elements with the courage one can only acquire from a heart of faith. These eagles fly higher than our earthly minds will believe is even possible (immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine). And, these eagles are not certain selected people. No, I’m not referring to the rich and famous special chosen ones.
Folded up inside of every person are a pair of wings. These wings were established at the design level; they exist naturally. Flight was an intentional feature. If we aren’t being useful in the way we were designed to be, how can we successfully fulfill our mission? You know what I mean?…Why make a thing if not for a reason? We aren’t accessories or “set-abouts” just here to make Earth look cute. There’s a reason, but not everyone trusts that, or maybe, not everyone recognizes it yet. Those who don’t trust their design or even notice they have wings, couldn’t possibly come to fly.
The wings that enable us to fly are not just for our thrill of soaring and gliding through life. Our mission is tethered to a bigger scheme; a plan. There is something that we are to do in this world, and it serves the greater good. We are each set apart from all the other billions of people. Mass production would have been way easier, but no, He’s a maker, a creator, an artist. Mass production is not His style. I relate to that. As an artist, I don’t make just to make. I make art with substance and purpose to speak to the heart of the viewer, not just their eyes and the color schemes of the living room. There are no mass productions of people here. We are individuals, made by hand with careful thought and plan. So we can’t expect anyone to fully relate to us or our mission.
No one here on Earth knows exactly what you are here for; only you and your heart and the One who made you. For that reason, we can’t go walking around on foot asking for permission. Don’t be asking the ducks at the park if they can see what the eagle perceives from a mile high. We have to trust our own perceptions, our own design, and sometimes… most times… we have to trust it without any company; no confirmations, no cheerleaders. Along the way to fulfilling our assignments there will be people who won’t get it. They won’t, not at first. Maybe not ever. Like most good lessons, I’ve learned that the hard way. I’ve looked into many’a blank stares and raised eyebrows, squirms and smirks. And, I’ve let it affect me. There are two different ways for the reactions of others to affect us; negatively and positively:
“Ok, this is too different it’s making people stare.”, or
“OK!! This is so different, it’s making people stare!”.
Why do we feel the need to get validation and approval before we fly? We’ve been tricked into the thinking that we are ostentatious and audacious for going big. Many times we stay close to the ground because the chickens told us that its too scary up there. Bird Fact: Eagles soar so high that there are no other birds for them to fly with…unless it’s other eagles. Know what else? There are actual birds, with actual wings, that don’t ever take to the sky, like chickens. Can you imagine? Having real wings to fly and just….not. These are the ones making all the racket down on the ground….using words like “can’t” and “fail” and “impossible”. Remember that!… there’s something to be said of the noise on the ground, the ones gathered for gossip and here-say, these birds are not looking to fly, just to watch and comment. That noisy an distracting sensation pulling you low, those are the very voices of fear and doubt, and if that’s all you can hear, that should be your surefire sign….. It’s time for a new altitude. It’s time to get high.
Have you ever seen an eagle in flight? If so you know what I mean when I say, that wingspan will take your breath away! Bird geek or not, an eagle is majestic and mystical, and after so many years of being virtually unseen, now, when an eagle flies by, I don’t care who you are… ya gonna put down your fork and notice…. slow down your car to gawk. You will find yourself pausing in your mundane activity to witness the stunning and regal presence of an eagle, the king of the sky, a creature epitomizing divine strength and ability;
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Regardless of where you are in your mission, my hope is that my eagle paintings inspire you to mount up and reinstate your assignment. Renew your strength. Our lives are a gift, and our talents and opportunities are, too. So, use your manners, cuz our mamas taught us to be grateful recipients. Let us say thank you, and use these gifts to serve the mission for good, even and especially when it makes us stand out, feel separate, and alone. Because, you are not alone, not at all. You have the greatest gift of all.
Those who have moved mountains on this earth did so by trusting that sensation in the heart that pulled them upward. These men and women pushed against the grain, streched themselves and the limits of possibility. These people stepped outside the lines of expectation, and set out to do what others said can’t be done. And, when the ground birds blasted cowardly claims, these eagles were mounting up, high above the noise with diligent patience and immense trust, sharply observing and coming to know what no one else could even see.
It’s not for nothin’. Our lives were designed to be successful. Let us mount up like eagles. May we have faith in our wings.
Ephesians 3:20